The First Thailand-Pacific Island Countries Forum 9 August 2014 FAO/PIF/THAILAND South-South and Triangular Cooperation Vili A Fuavao Deputy Regional Representative.


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Presentation transcript:

The First Thailand-Pacific Island Countries Forum 9 August 2014 FAO/PIF/THAILAND South-South and Triangular Cooperation Vili A Fuavao Deputy Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

FAO – South-South and Triangular Cooperation FAO’s Corporate SSC Strategy aims to facilitate SSC development solutions to achieve food security, poverty reduction and sustainable agriculture. FAO is working to: diversify the range of SSC modalities, provide practical guidance and support to ensure the quality of the knowledge sharing connect South-South solution providers with seekers, enhance two- way learning among a wide range of southern actors facilitate upstream policy support, policy dialogue mobilize broader partnerships and resources, and raise the visibility of the value of SSC

Country Programming Framework Pacific Countries, Priority Areas Priority Area 1: Policy and Strategic Planning Priority Area 2: Food and Nutrition Security Priority Area 3: Value/Supply Chain Efficiency and Market Linkages Priority Area 4: Environmental Management and Resilience

Strengths and Best Practices of Thailand’s Agriculture Sector include:  Agriculture product processing, post-harvest processing and marketing Rice production mechanization both in the field and in processing Water efficiency technology from simple low-head pumps and irrigation systems to hydroponics Tropical fruit production and handling technology Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and organic certification OTOP model, Ecotourism  Soil Improvement Soil and fertilizer analysis Soil survey and mapping, data processing with GIS Soil conservation techniques

Strengths and Best Practices of Thailand’s Agriculture Sector include:  Prevention and control of transboundary and emerging infectious zoonotic diseases Capacity building of veterinary epidemiology: Regional Field Epidemiology Training Program for Veterinarian (FETPV) Capacity building of veterinary laboratory services: Laboratory experts and several trainings related to laboratory testing hosted by the National Institute of Animal Health (NIAH), in collaborating with FAO. Veterinary and agricultural Education: Scholarships provided for post-graduate degrees, not only for the veterinary professional but also other agricultural fields

FAO and TICA FAO and TICA are developing the partnership under the framework of South-South Cooperation (SSC) in the Pacific island countries. SSC between Thailand and recipient countries: Dispatch Thai expertise to recipient countries Host a training (short, medium, long term) for officers from recipient countries in Thailand Potential areas for FAO and TICA to work together: 1)FAO Support to the Zero Hunger Challenge in Asia and the Pacific 2)Regional Rice Initiative - Phase II 3)Developing local value chains for food security and nutrition in PIF 4)Blue-growth - sustainable aquaculture development and intensification as the means to meet the opportunities of the blue economy to 2030

Thank you very much For more information, please visit