OVERVIEW The BLW Children’s Ministry reaches children ages 0-12years through a consolidated process of culturing and training with the Word of God as contained in “our gospel” from Preschool (Ages 1-5years), Elementary (Ages 6-10years) through to Preteens Class (Ages 11-12 years), after which they are ready to transit to the Teens’ Ministry. WHEN SHOULD A CHILD GRADUATE FROM CHILDRENS MINISTRY? Children who turn 13 during or before the month of September each year are candidates for graduation to the Teens Ministry Children's Ministry graduation season typically is in the Months of August – September when the kids resume the new school year calendar
PRETEENS TO TEENS MINISTRY – A SPIRITUAL MILESTONE WORTH CELEBRATING! This is a very important milestone for the child in his/her journey of faith and spiritual development. It is imperative therefore that we not only make it memorable but help the child see the spiritual significance as well. The Children’s Ministry Graduation & Commendation Ceremony is an event to celebrate the accomplishment of the successful completion of the Children’s Church Ministry Program as It were, and celebrating the next level of ministry for the child, i.e. the Teens’ Ministry.
PRE- EVENT 1.) FINAL ASSESMENT TESTS & PROJECT A final assessment test and project assignments should be given to the graduating preteens. Marking and compilation of test results and review of projects should be concluded well ahead of scheduled date for the graduation and commendation ceremony. SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD SEGMENT PREP Award categories should be determined and candidates duly nominated. A modest size, good quality trophy is recommended for presentation to the awardees.
2.) PUBLICITY: Adequate publicity, targeted at all stakeholders, should be given to build excitement around the event. These may include; Pulpit Announcements in Grown-up Church Announcement at the Children’s Church Service Placement of Banners at a Vantage position in the Grown- up church area Placement of posters on the notice boards in the classrooms and child areas. Invitation Letters to Parents / Guardians
3.) GRADUATING CLASS PHOTO SESSION: A professional photo session should be held with the graduating class ahead of scheduled event date. Class Photo should be printed and presented alongside certificates to each graduating preteen.
EVENT Dress Code: Formal Boys: White Shirt, Black/ Grey/ Tawny Brown Pants and Waistcoat Girls: Knee Length Formal Dress We recommend a two-fold event tagged “Preteens Graduation & Commendation Ceremony”: a segment in the grown-up service to engage all stakeholders i.e. parents, leaders and brethren. During this segment, a mini version of the preteens sequence in the Children’s Church service, include prayer, bible lesson and discussion / talk back time will be presented culminating in a roll-call of the graduating preteens.
During the roll call, a brief citation will be read for each child as they are called up one at a time on to the stage and presented with Certificates of Graduation, a Class Photo and a copy of the Rhapsody of Realties Bible. The graduating class will then be presented to the congregation as a group and to the Teens Ministry Pastor or Leader who has been duly invited for the event to witness the occasion and formally receive and welcome the preteens into teens Ministry. The event should incorporate a Commendation Award sub- segment to recognize outstanding preteens amongst the graduating class.
TYPICAL ORDER OF CEREMONY Introduction of Segment by Ceremony Compere Run of Sequence of mini preteens service Prayer Bible story Discussion / Talk back session Closing prayer / talking session Special Rendition by the Graduating preteens Roll Call of Graduating Class of 2015/16 and presentation of certificates. Prayer for the Graduating Preteens by the Pastor and presentation to the Teens ministry Leader / Pastor Brief Speech by Teens Ministry Leader Presentation of Graduating Class to the Congregation Song of The Nation by the graduating pupils & march from the Stage
TEMPLATES YOU CAN USE Download Templates For Your Preteens Graduation And Commendation Ceremony are available from the BLW Childrens Ministry Department; Graduation Certificate Publicity Banner Design Classroom Publicity Poster Design You can request for them via email; Or visit the LoveWorld Children's Ministry Portal at;