The Mission of Peter “The Rock” I will Build My Church Theology II Mr. Perrotti Chapter 3- Part 3
“I will make you a fisher of men” The Call of Peter – as he was fishing in the Sea of Galilee. He was a married man, who became married to the Church. He at first was a reluctant follower – introduced to Christ by his brother Andrew. He and his partner James (the great) had seen his brother follow John the Baptist and was annoyed he had found another crusade. Jesus Call Peter by performing a miracle of the “Multiple fish” and says to him and James – “I will make you fishers of men”
Reluctant Leader Peter and the 12 follow Jesus for 3 years and learn about Christianity. As part of the inner circle Christ allows him to be present at the Transfiguration. He is the spokesman of the 12, and constantly waivers in his faith. Unsure of his call, he is often frustrated by the twelve’s faith in him. His low point with Christ was at the Last Supper when Christ predicted he would deny him three times before the cock crowed.
“Lead my Flock” After Jesus rose from the dead he appeared to the Apostles many times. This is how Peter and the others learned what their mission for the early Church was. Jesus –”Do as I have taught you” Baptize and convert. Remember the Sanhedrin did not believe and Saul was assigned to persecute the Christians and find the Apostles! Saul (later converted to Paul) at first was Peter’s and the Apostle’s enemy.
The Trusted Leader As they waited for Christ’s final instructions the Apostles trusted Peter as their leader. He gains confidence in their trust, but he feels guilt for his grave sin. Jesus teaches them to forgive, by forgiving Peter.
“Come Holy Spirit” As promised at the Ascension of Christ, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide the Apostles and give even more courage to them. Remember “Pentecost” was a great Jewish feast of the Harvest and many Jews were in Jerusalem. They were give the power to speak Christ’s words, with the gift of tongues, heal and baptize. Peter’s Ministry had begun!
The Early Church is Growing Paul had been converted! He was sent to the Gentiles outside of Judea Peter and Paul disagree on the conversion of the impure – While Paul was being converted Jesus said go to the Gentiles and non-believers Peter was confused about Paul’s role with the Pagans This was almost the first split in the Church, but God speaks to Jesus in a dream and we are all one in Christ
Peter the Leader of the Early Church The First Apostle to Recognize Jesus as Messiah. Jesus began the process which would lead to Peter's awareness by asking a non-threatening question, "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?“ Peter confessed Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of God. It was because of this confession that Jesus renamed Simon, Cephas (in Aramaic) or Peter (in Greek), meaning "rock."
Peter the Leader of the Early Church Peter was the First Apostle to Proclaim Salvation to the Gentiles and Pagans. His vision of "unclean" foods was how Christ spoke to him and what eventually united Peter and Paul. Peter played a key role at the Council of Jerusalem which decided in favor of granting church membership to Gentiles without first requiring them to become Jews
Peter’s Life Peter's life can be divided into two parts - first from his call to discipleship to Jesus Christ's ascension – and from the ascension to the end of his life. 1.As Apostle Peter is filled with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, his ministry began 2.Peter (with the assistance of the Holy Spirit) healed the lame man. Peter then addressed the people in the temple. Peter was arrested and beaten several times but continued preaching and healing and performing signs and wonders -, raised believers from the dead at Joppa 3.Late in his life, Peter wrote his two Epistles, to the Jewish Christians and Gentiles. 4.He wrote one is Babylon and one in Asia minor!
Peter’s Trip to Rome Peter went to Rome and it is believed that Mark (writer of the Gospel of Mark) was Peter's translator as he preached. Peter told and retold his experiences with Jesus, gave Mark an almost verbatim account. Peter died a martyr in Rome about 67AD. – He was about 75 years old. – He was crucified under Nero. It is thought, by his own request that he be crucified upside down, feeling unworthy to resemble Christ's crucifixion in his death After Peter’s Death Mark wrote the first Gospel, a reflect by Peter of the ministry of Christ. It has been told that Peter gave his life to free a number of Roman Christians and his actions may have resulted Rome's conversion.
Peter – was a true “fisher of men” His death inspired many and the Church grew 10 fold in such a short time. His death and that of Paul by the Romans had the opposite effect on the Church, which eventually cause the conversion of Rome in almost 200 years later by Constantine the Great…..”Rome was never the same” In 313, Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan legalizing Christian worship.
Jesus Calls us all to be like Peter! “Only in God” Fishers of men Share our lives with Him Gain courage and Faith through his Spirit Lead by example! Lead with Passion! Lead with conviction! What would you do for God! com