The Panlingual Mobile Camera CSE 490f Jonathan Pool, Neb Tadesse, Tim Wong, Luke Woods Tim Wong, Luke Woods
Overview ► Overall problem & solution ► Contextual inquiry description & results ► ESM description & results ► Representative tasks ► Task Scenarios ► Summary ► Q & A
The Overall Problem ► Have you ever been in a situation where you can’t understand some text? ► Language barriers ► Illiteracy ► Vision disability
A Solution ► A camera phone that: Allows the customer to photograph text Efficiently receives a fast explanation of the text
Contextual Inquiry Description ► Three subjects in different situations: (1) subject wearing blurring goggles to hinder vision (2) subject amidst many non-English signs + labels (3) subject with low English fluency ► In various contexts: locations + activities
Contextual Inquiry Description ► Goals: (1) subjects’ purpose (2) kinds of text subjects wanted to understand (3) urgency of understanding (4) alternative sources of understanding (5) means of coping without understanding (6) subjects’ text-selection strategies
Contextual Inquiry Results
ESM Description ► Goals: Determine how well users can take photographs ► Clear or blurry? ► Size vs distance? Reveal how users might indicate the specific text to be understood Determine what sort of environments people are encountering throughout the day
ESM Description ► Design: Prompt approx every hour between 8am and 9:30pm ► Asked to take one or more photographs of text ► Encouraged to take diverse photos Subjects were also allowed to take any additional photographs at any time Subjects could record any audio-visual comments
ESM Results ► Not everyone takes good photos
ESM Results ► Environment doesn’t always allow for good photos
ESM Results Some photos contained both legible and illegible text Some users pointed towards text ► Cannot rely on the user to indicate area
Representative Tasks ► (Easy) Customer looks at a road sign in a foreign language and tries to infer whether it defines a speed limit. ► (Moderate) The customer wanders around a foreign bookstore looking for the philosophy section. ► (Hard) The customer approaches an apartment building and wants to know whether a person is listed in the building's directory, which is written in a script that the customer doesn't know.
Task Scenarios ► (1) A traveler in Germany rents a car. He comes across this sign and wants to know if he can park here legally. He wants to take a photo and annotate it, describing the info he wants to understand.
Task Scenarios ► (2) A person travels to China, and wants to go to a Chinese restaurant. However, the person does not understand the menu in Chinese. She takes a photo. She wants to circle several random items of her choosing for translation.
Task Scenarios ► (3) A person understands spoken Japanese, however he cannot read it. He wishes to hear an audio clip of this road sign. He takes a photo and requests to receive an audio translation.
Task Scenario ► UI Design ideas:
Summary ► A device that can allow you to translate and/or understand text on the fly ► Supports multiple delivery mediums: Audio Text ► Must be fast, efficient, and easy to use.
Q & A ► Questions????