THE GREAT COMMISSION Jesus was determined to go to the cross. Lk. 9:51 Jesus was determined to go to the cross. Lk. 9:51 His purpose: save souls. His purpose: save souls. His purpose MUST be our purpose! His purpose MUST be our purpose! Therefore He charged His followers to “Go” into the world… seeking souls. Therefore He charged His followers to “Go” into the world… seeking souls.
ZACCHAEUS: LOST IN THIS WORLD Lost according to his brethren : Lost according to his brethren : Very rich Very rich Tax collector Tax collector Lost according to Jesus. Lost according to Jesus. Needs saving Needs saving Viewed SO DIFFERENTLY ! Viewed SO DIFFERENTLY !
WANTING TO SEE GOD The Lord knows our feeble attempts to meet Him: The Lord knows our feeble attempts to meet Him: But, He knows us before we truly know Him. But, He knows us before we truly know Him. Eunuch. Acts 8:26ff Eunuch. Acts 8:26ff Paul. Acts 9:1-16 (vs ) Paul. Acts 9:1-16 (vs ) Zacchaeus. Lk. 19:5, 6 Zacchaeus. Lk. 19:5, 6
CALLING ALL SINNERS Some followers place stipulations on whom Jesus “receives”. Some followers place stipulations on whom Jesus “receives”. Jesus is not concerned about man’s stipulations – He seeks out those who want to know Him! Jesus is not concerned about man’s stipulations – He seeks out those who want to know Him!
SALVATION Salvation comes to all whose faith is in Christ Jesus! Salvation comes to all whose faith is in Christ Jesus! For Jews. Rom. 9:6-8 For Jews. Rom. 9:6-8 For Gentiles. Gal. 3:26-29 For Gentiles. Gal. 3:26-29 “for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10).