M OBILE C OMPUTING This is what I mean with a Strategic App
E NABLERS Network Sensor GPS Apps
I MPACT OF A PPS Gateway to the Web More knowledge of who you are & where you are More graphical interface & streamlining of info More control & security Migration towards established players Personalization of Web experience Increase reliance on cloud computing Less time searching and looking up information
M AJOR A PPS Social Networking Games Informational (weather, maps) Localized Marketing The advent of the virtual coupon Phone as a credit card
M AJOR DRAWBACKS Untested business models (still no evidence of effectiveness) Network overload Dominance of established players Restricted view of the internet Who needs more apps? Privacy
B USINESS M ODELS Advertising.. The return of the coupon (Foursquare, Facebook) Comparison shopping (Amazon) Searching for Apps rather Info (Google marketplace) Paid for Apps (games like Enigmo & Gowalla, Weather Channel Max) Brokerage (Wheels..connecting customers with cabs) Financial model (Visa, Verizon, Bling, PayPal) Subscription (NY Times, Wall Street Journal)
C LASSIC WAYS TO MAKE MONEY Draw people into (virtual or real) stores Increase frequency of purchases Improve customer experience & retention Reduce the cost of doing business Charge for service rather than product
I P HONE VS. A NDROID Open vs. closed systems More apps for the iPhone than Android iPhone smoother interface.. iPad/iPod that just happened to have a phone Android more a phone that just happens to have some apps (especially business phone) iPhone better chance to dominate US market. Android better chance to dominate overseas Common standards? similar apps?