Getting Started! NIMAC Basics for AUs June 2008
What well cover today … A very brief overview of NIMAC An update of NIMAC at 18 months Getting set up as an AU Searching and downloading in the portal Assigning files to AMPs How to get additional help!
What Is the NIMAC? NIMAC is a central repository for source files in the NIMAS format. NIMAS file sets can be used to produce accessible, student-ready specialized formats, such as Braille and audio, for students in K-12 with qualifying disabilities.
What does the NIMAC do? Receives and catalogs NIMAS files from publishers. Provides quality control regarding metadata and XML file validity. Provides searchable web-based database, publisher portal, AU and AMP portals. Establishes and maintains accounts for publishers, SCs, AUs, and AMPs. Provides outreach and training to NIMAC users.
How does the NIMAC get files? SEAs and LEAs require publishers to produce and submit files to the NIMAC when they enter into new purchase agreements or adoption contracts. AUs do not contact publishers at the point of needing a file to request file submission. NIMAC has no authority to require publishers to submit files.
NIMAC Update: We are busy! In our first 18 months, we have certified over 7,700 file sets! An additional 4,000 files are currently in the batch load queue and uncertified inventory. NIMAC has already received the number of files we expected to receive in the five years of the grant!
NIMAC Update: We are busy! The project was budgeted to receive 2,400 files per year, based on figures provided by AAP. NIMAC is currently receiving 4-5 times the number of files we anticipated during the planning phase of the project. OverDrive has added additional hardware several times, and both OverDrive and NIMAC have added more staff to deal with workload. The OverDrive batch processing queue is currently working 24/7 to load files for NIMAC.
Reasons for Higher Numbers Publication Dates: We are receiving a large number of legacy materials. Supplementary Readers: These were not included in AAPs estimate provided to NIMAC during development. Types of Materials: In the absence of a clear definition for core, we are receiving a very wide range of materials. Voluntary Submissions: Publishers are converting items not yet required by contract.
What cannot be accepted? NIMAC does not currently reject material based on whether it meets a definition of core. However, we cannot accept: –Teachers editions –Material not published in a print version –Advance copy versions of texts
The Bottom Line … The NIMAC currently has several thousand titles in process. Were working through these files as quickly as possible. If you are needing a file expedited that has already been shipped to us by the publisher, feel free to contact us and we will give the file priority for review. The Watch list feature also allows you to be notified once a new file is available.
More NIMAC Numbers! Publishers working with NIMAC: 63 States Coordinating/Outlying Areas: 52 Authorized Users: 80 (from 40 states) Accessible Media Producers (AMPs): 57 Unique downloads by AU: 391 Unique downloads by AMP: 141 Statistics as of May 23, 2008
System Development Publisher contact list for questions & feedback on XML (i.e., best practices) Listing of which users have already downloaded the file in brief display in the AU portal Additional search interface functionality (such as state edition search) Reports Mac compatibility
NIMAS File Sizes: A technical challenge In addition to receiving more files than expected, NIMAS files are many times larger than the test files received, with many files in the 1-2 GB or greater range. NIMAC currently has over 1 terabyte of data and at current rates will add 2 terabytes this year.
NIMAS File Sizes: A technical challenge Image files drive the NIMAS file size, but little technical guidance is available currently for this aspect of NIMAS conversion. We are currently in the process of contracting with a consultant to provide best practices to publisher vendors on producing NIMAS image files.
Policy Update: AMPs as AUs Background: At the request of OSEP, in the summer of 2007, NIMAC worked with OverDrive to put changes in place in order to provide anticipatory access to national AMPs. OSEP later directed NIMAC to suspend implementation of anticipatory access.
Existing System: Authorized Users: –Named by State Coordinator from within the state educational structure. –Have access to ALL files in the repository, but may only legally download files for materials which have been purchased. –May assign files to any AMP registered with the NIMAC or hand off files to an AMP not registered with us.
Existing System: Accessible Media Producers –Voluntarily register with NIMAC. –May be assigned files by any AU. –AMPS have access ONLY to files assigned by Authorized Users. –Caveat emptor: AMP registration with NIMAC is not an endorsement by NIMAC.
Prospective Change State Coordinators will not be limited to naming AUs from within the educational structure of the state. SCs will be able to name AMPs as AUs if they wish. NIMAC is awaiting guidance from OSEP regarding the policy OSEP would like us to implement.
Working with the NIMAC: How do I become an AU? AUs are designated by a State Coordinator. The State Coordinator logs in to the NIMAC portal and enters the contact information for the AU (name, address, , etc.). The system then automatically s the AU the NIMAC Limitation of Use Agreement.
Then what happens? Once the NIMAC has received your signed Limitation of Use Agreement, we activate your account. You receive your user ID and password in two separate automated s. This information is all you need to access the NIMAC, search and download files, or assign files to an Accessible Media Producer (AMP).
Some Important Reminders: It is not necessary to be an Authorized User (AU) just to search the NIMAC. Anyone with web access is welcome to search for items in the NIMAC database. But only AUs can download files or assign them to an AMP.
More Important Reminders The NIMAS 1.1 standard does not require alt text for images. NIMAS is intended as a source file format, not as a student-ready format. Some type of value-added conversion is almost always required in order to create a fully accessible format for the student.
Hardware and Networking If you will be downloading file sets, you will need: Windows 98 or above Internet Explorer 5.5 or above 512 RAM (minimum) 1 GHz processor (minimum) A high-speed internet connection and network permission to download large files
Getting Started: Logging In Go to the NIMAC web site: Click on the link in the red box Enter the NIMAC Repository Choose the link, If you have a login and password, click here to enter the NIMAC.
At the login screen... Enter your user ID and password, then click the login button. You will be directed to a screen that asks you to choose a security question. Choose a question and enter the answer. This information will be used should you ever need to request your password information.
Now you'
Changing your password... For security on your account, your first task at this point is to change the automated password you received to a new password. Just choose Manage Your User Account to do this.
Change your password The information for your account will appear, including your default password. Just delete the existing password dots and enter a new password in both boxes. After you click submit, the screen will show that your information has been updated.
Hint on Navigating... At any point, you can choose the Home tab at the top of the screen to return to the main menu. Or, just click the tab for the menu option you want at the top of the screen.
Congratulations! You have now successfully set up your NIMAC account and are now ready to begin searching and working with files! We will now spend some time exploring the search screen and download options.
Search Options There are two types of search options: 1.Users may enter free text searches in Search fields. This means you just type in the search term you want. 2.Limit By fields are picklist options. This means you can select a term from an existing list of terms. These searches can be used as stand- alone searches or to modify a free text search.
Search Hints Search by the ISBN if you have it. This is always your first choice. You may use the 10-digit or 13-digit ISBN. If you do not have the correct ISBN or are uncertain, use the other search options. Start with a very basic search, for example, a keyword from the title and/or the authors last name. If your search retrieves too many items, use a few more options to narrow your search, such as publisher name, copyright date or grade level.
More Search Hints… AND, OR and NOT cannot be used to combine search terms within a search box. If you enter information in more than one search field, the system will only retrieve items that match ALL terms. The more you choose, the fewer results youll get. When searching by author, it is recommended that you search last name only. When searching by title, use either one distinct word or an exact phrase from the title.
At the brief display... You can select a download option or assign the file to an AMP at this point; Or, you can click either the title or Click Here to See Full Record Display to see the complete title information.
Download Options There are two download options available: The Full download includes the images folder in the zip file. These files may be several GB in size. The XML download does not include the images. These files are small and download very quickly.
Helpful hint... Whether you choose the XML-only download option or the full NIMAS file download, please be aware that the default zip file name will be the same. Zip file names are the ISBN for the title, plus NIMAS regardless of which option you choose. (For example: However, at the point of downloading the zip file, you can rename the zip file anything you want. For example,
Assigning a file to an AMP 1.First, from the search results display, click on the option Assign title to accessible media producer. 2.Select the AMP you want from the list of registered AMPs. 3.Select the format you want produced. 4.Thats it! The system will display a message that the file has been assigned to the AMPs work queue. 5.You can then select another AMP for the file, or begin a new search.
Wrapping Up... Congratulations! You have now learned how to: –Log in to the NIMAC Repository –Choose a security question and change your password –Do a basic search to locate titles –Download a title page PDF, XML-only file, or full NIMAS file –Assign files to AMPs
Future trainings... Join us tomorrow for the Advanced training for information on additional portal features. This PowerPoint is also available for download at the NIMAC web site:
For more help... For searching help or other questions, contact us Mon-Fri, 8 AM – 4:30 PM ET: or ( NIMAC) Visit our web site: us