HOMEWORK BOOKLET – YEAR 7&8 NAME: _____________________________ TEACHER: __________________________
Law 1 concerns ‘the field of play’. Draw and label a football pitch, including dimensions. There are seventeen ‘laws’ of association football that must be followed. Each of these laws covers a different aspect of the game. This section will cover some of these laws. The person who implements the laws of the game is known as the ____________. They are assisted by two other officials known as ____________ __________. Between them they must ensure the _____________ laws are followed. Each team consists of ____________ players, one of which must be a designated ______________. That person is the only player on their team that is allowed to touch the ball with their __________. If any other player does this, the referee will award a ____________ or a ________ ________. ELEVEN PENALTY REFEREE FREE KICK SEVENTEEN ASSISTANT REFEREES HANDS GOALKEEPER
‘Law 4’ regards ‘the players equipment’. There are five COMPULSARY items of equipment a player must have to be able to play a football match. They are: * ‘Law 7’ – ‘Duration of a match’ A football match lasts ________ equal periods of ____________ minutes. A half time period of _________ minutes is also allowed. In some cup competitions, extra time may be played in the event of a draw. This period of extra time usually lasts __________ minutes and is also split in two equal halves. THIRTY TWO FIFTEEN FORTY-FIVE Describe what is meant by the term ‘offside’.
A warm up is an important part of any sporting activity. Before you exercise you should always warm up. This section highlights the importance of warming up properly. Label the muscles identified below that are important for playing football: __________ A warm up is important because: __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Skills and techniques are the things you learn in lesson at school or practice with teams. By working hard at these skills you begin to get better at the game and will do better when you play in matches. List and describe three of the skills or techniques you have learnt in this unit of work. You might want to describe some of the teaching points you learnt or explain the drills you did to practice them. Skill 1 - _____________Skill 2 - _____________Skill 3 - _____________
There are a number of ‘ways’ of getting the upper hand in a game of football. This is generally known as using tactics. Some tactics are more effective than others. Why is it important for players to have positions in a game of football? Explain a tactic that a team might use to help them win a game. Implementing tactics is one of the roles of the team manager and coach. What other responsibilities might the team manager have?
Within each topic in PE you will learn a lot of new words or terms. It is important that you are able to spell them and explain what these terms mean in relation to the sport you are doing. Attacker Break Carry Caution Centre Centre Circle Chip Clear Corner Creating Space Cross Defender Direct FreeKick Dribble Formation Foul Goal Goal Kick Goalkeeper Header Marking Midfield Officials Passing Penalty Referee Shooting Striker Tackle Volley I can spell this word I can explain what this word means I can spell this word I can explain what this word means
It is important to know which techniques or skills you are able to do in every sport. This enables you to understand what level you are working at and why. This list should help you to self assess. PASSING AttemptedAchieved Short Pass Long Pass Lofted Pass HEADING AttemptedAchieved Attacking Header Defensive Header DRIBBLING AttemptedAchieved With One Foot With Both Feet At Speed SHOOTING AttemptedAchieved Bottom Corners Top Corners Chipped TACKLING AttemptedAchieved Block Tackle Interception OTHER ROLES AttemptedAchieved Coach Organiser Official
LEVEL 3LEVEL 4LEVEL 5LEVEL 6 I can move with a ball under control and can pass accurately to player/goal. I can adhere to the basic rules. I can combine moving and passing the ball. I can use the correct part of my foot to display a small range of passes and shots. I can show basic tackling and can referee a small sided game. I can show basic heading and turning skills. I have some understanding of the roles of forwards and defence positions during a game situation. I can enforce multiple rules in a small game. I understand the requirements of all positions, and can demonstrate the desired skills to a good standard. I have a preferred position and play for my school team/league team. I can referee a game. LEVEL 7LEVEL 8EXCEPTIONAL PERF I have high skill levels and can demonstrate this in all aspects of the game. Including attack, midfield and defence. I have the ability to protect the ball and avoid the tackle. I have a set position, which I play to a high standard above that of school level. I can analyse and comment on own and others’ work as individuals and as team members. I can consistently show high standards of precision, control and fluency. I have a wide and varied range of passing and can adapt these accordingly. I can show an understanding of the impact of skills; strategy and tactics have on quality and effectiveness of performance. I can fulfil all the criteria for level 8, whilst being able to adapt and refine these skills to re-act to constantly changing game situations. I have a complex knowledge of tactics and set piece play and can read games well. I can enforce rules in a full game situation.