NIMAC 2.0 Publisher Portal: Managing Inventory
What is the Publisher Portal? This portal provides publisher access to the NIMAC system. Publishers who are registered with the NIMAC receive an account to submit NIMAS file sets to the repository. The publisher “super user” receives a Login ID and password that allow them to access their account.
What does the publisher portal do? The NIMAC Publisher portal enables publishers to: View and download your own inventory Upload NIMAS file sets that are 60 MB or smaller directly into the system. Edit incorrect metadata in the database record for Uncertified files. Edit incorrect OPF metadata for Uncertified files. AND MORE!
In this training… From the home page, you will see four menu tabs: Manage Inventory User Information Support In this training, we will focus on the Manage Inventory functionality.
A quick note about the Support Tab The Support tab contains helpful documentation and tools that you can download anytime, including: The NIMAC Metadata Guidelines document The NIMAC Validation Wizard The NIMAC Batch Load Excel Spreadsheet This PowerPoint presentation!
A quick note on getting help: If you experience a technical problem or error while using the publisher portal, contact OverDrive Tech Support: If you have a problem or question related to an FTP delivery, contact the OverDrive Batch Team : All other questions:
Manage Inventory The Manage Inventory tab has three menu options: Transform Excel to OPF Add New Inventory View Inventory
Transform Excel to OPF: (Start with ↓ and end with ↓)
Transform Excel to OPF This is a new tool that allows you to convert metadata from an OverDrive Batch Excel spreadsheet into valid OPF metadata. The system converts the metadata from the uploaded sheet into OPF metadata, with the correct NIMAS tags and formatting. The system then emails the OPF files to you in a zip file.
Transform Excel to OPF The vendor then completes the OPFs, and zips them into the NIMAS file sets. This can reduce metadata errors by eliminating the need for vendors to manually enter metadata into the OPF file. Note: This option is for creating NEW OPFs only; it cannot be used to correct files already submitted to the NIMAC.
Transform Excel to OPF In order to take advantage of this functionality, you MUST use the official OverDrive Batch delivery spreadsheet. This sheet can be downloaded at any time from the Support tab in the publisher portal. It is also available at the NIMAC web site:
Add New Inventory Files that are smaller than 60 MB should always be uploaded directly into the system. The Add Inventory page allows the user to create a new database record and upload a NIMAS zip file into the system. When you open the page, you will see the complete metadata web form.
Add Inventory Clicking this option will take you to a web form of all NIMAC metadata fields. The page also includes file path boxes for uploading a NIMAS zip file and extracting metadata from an unzipped OPF. Save option buttons are found at the top and bottom of the page.
1. Creating a new metadata record Files that are uploaded directly through the portal require that a metadata record be created. Users are welcome to enter data directly into the web form. However, the easiest way to create a record for a new file is to extract the metadata from an unzipped OPF.
Extracted Metadata After performing the extraction, you can scroll down the page to view the metadata. Required metadata fields appear at the top of the screen, with optional fields below. Be sure all required metadata fields are populated. Optional fields may remain blank.
Publisher Name Please note that there is a new feature in the system designed to prevent vendors from uploading files with an inconsistent form of the publisher name. If your Publisher Name does not extract in the metadata, it does not match an imprint associated with the account. Contact the NIMAC if the account has added a new imprint.
2. Uploading the NIMAS zip file Once you have created your metadata record, you are ready to upload the NIMAS zip file. Be sure you have run the file through the NIMAC validation wizard before attempting to upload. The system will not upload an invalid file set.
Uploading the zip file Important note: The system does not review your extracted metadata until you try to upload and save the zip file. The system will reject the zip file upload if required metadata is missing from the database record—or if the ISBN or Identifier is already in the system. You must address those issues and upload the zip file again.
Reminder: “Add” versus “Edit” As in the old system, you cannot use Add New Inventory to replace an existing NIMAS file set. You must go to the existing file in your inventory and use Edit to make any needed changes. (We will talk about this later.)
“Save to Account Without Submitting to NIMAC” If your zip file is invalid or corrupt, the system will reject the zip file upload. However, you can still save your metadata record and upload a valid file later. To do this, select “Save to Account Without Submitting to NIMAC.” The metadata record (and zip file if a valid one is included) go to Pending inventory. Pending files are not reviewed by NIMAC.
Note on Save Options If you inadvertently save a file to Pending Inventory, you can go to View Inventory, locate the file in Pending and re-save. We will now talk about how to View and Edit inventory that has been loaded into the system.
Editing Existing Inventory Once a file is in the system, whether through batch load or direct upload, you can view the files. Files that are in Uncertified, Pending, or Stalled inventory can also be edited (portal data and OPF) or resubmitted. Certified inventory cannot be edited. If you need to resubmit Certified files for any reason, please contact NIMAC in advance.
View Inventory Categories Certified: Files that have been accepted into the repository Uncertified: Files that have been uploaded and are in the NIMAC review process. Stalled: Files that have been rejected due to errors and are awaiting vendor corrections. Pending: Files that either lack a valid zip file or which were saved without submitting to NIMAC. All: Displays all four inventory categories.
Inventory Page Once you have entered the inventory, you can either scroll and page through, or perform a Quick or Advanced Search. In most cases, you should be able to quickly locate a Stalled or Uncertified file that requires correction. If not, an ISBN or Identifier search is your best option.
Quick Search Options Quick Search options include: ISBN, Title, Identifier and publisher. The Advanced Search button takes you to a detailed web form of all searchable fields in the database.
Brief Display If you have download rights, you will see the download options over to the right. All downloaded NIMAS files include fingerprinting and watermarking with your account information. Downloaded files cannot be resubmitted to the NIMAC. Please maintain your own archive, at least until files are certified by the NIMAC.
Brief Display If you have Edit rights, you will also see a link to “Edit Title.” This link allows you to access the database record to make changes. It will also give you the option to upload a new NIMAS zip file. These options are available in Uncertified, Stalled and Pending inventory only.
NIMAC Feedback As in the past, if a file can be certified with minor corrections to the database record, NIMAC staff will make these changes for you and certify the file. We do reserve the right to require the vendor to correct database records if errors are extensive or affect a large number of files. NIMAC will continue to provide feedback vendor of corrections required to the OPF.
Edit Title Record You will notice that the screen is similar to Add inventory. You have the same options to edit metadata or upload a new zip file. However, once a file is in Uncertified Inventory, you do not have the option to “unsubmit” the file (save without submitting to NIMAC).
Saving Changes Click “Save Changes to Title” to submit your changes. The system will alert you that if you have uploaded a new zip file, it will replace the existing file. Do not be alarmed at this message if you are not uploading a zip file—no changes will be made to the existing file if you have not entered a file path for a new one.
Deleting files A “Delete Title” option is found on the Edit Title screen. Do not use Delete Title to remove a file that needs corrections and will be resubmitted at a future point. Resubmissions automatically replace existing inventory. You should almost never (or never) need to delete a file permanently from inventory.
Edit Title versus Edit OPF NIMAC 2.0 has the new option to edit an OPF for an Uncertified or Stalled file from within the system. Please note that editing the database record using Edit Title does NOT change the OPF. Likewise, editing the OPF does NOT change the database record.
Edit OPF A file of any size can have its OPF edited in the system. Be aware that large files will take longer for the system to unzip and open for editing. Please be patient if it takes a few minutes for your Edit OPF page to open.
Edit OPF Link Location In order to avoid confusion between the types of editing, the Edit OPF link is located from the full bibliographic record only. To access the Edit OPF feature, go to the full display of the record by clicking the title. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen.
DCTERMS.description.note When you click the link, the system will display your OPF data in a web form. If your OPF has one or more DCTERMS.description.note elements, the system will prompt you for the correct field for each element. Just choose the correct field from the pick list provided.
Edit OPF Saving an OPF edit to a Stalled file will automatically move the file back into Uncertified Inventory. This lets NIMAC staff know that the file has been corrected and is ready to be reviewed. If you cancel out of changes, the file will remain in Stalled inventory.
Changes to XML or PDF files Please note that if errors are found in the XML or PDF files of the NIMAS file set, resubmission of the entire file set will still be necessary. It is not possible make corrections to XML or PDF files from within the Private Reserve system.
Delivering Files: Reminders Files under 60 MB in size should be uploaded directly into the system. Files that are over 60 MB in size but smaller than 1 GB in size should be delivered to OverDrive by FTP. Files 1 GB or over should be burned to DVD and mailed to OverDrive.
FTP or DVD Deliveries OverDrive must be notified of all deliveries at Notifications should include: Type of delivery, name of the publisher, and number of files in the Subject line List of all files included in the delivery Your NIMAC system login ID Your FTP login ID Name of the FTP folder containing the files
Portal Uploads Please do not notify OverDrive of portal uploads. However, as a courtesy, NIMAC does ask that you alert us at when you have completed uploading files directly through the portal.
Delivering Files: Reminders Batch deliveries should be submitted once per week, per publisher. Separate the files into two deliveries only if you have both “new” titles and resubmissions (corrected files) to submit in the same week. Multiple small deliveries create delays as OverDrive must merge the deliveries before batch processing.
Delivering Files: Reminders All files should be tested for validation using the NIMAC Validation Wizard (available on the Support tab) before being submitted for batch delivery. OverDrive also asks that you please check all zip files to ensure they are not corrupt before delivering. To test the zip file, just make sure it can be opened successfully.
Congratulations! You have learned how to: Generate new OPF files from the OverDrive batch Excel sheet Create a new database record and upload files directly through the portal (60 MB or smaller only) Search NIMAC inventory Edit portal records Edit OPF files
Future Features Reporting functionality for the publisher portal is still under development. Once this becomes available, NIMAC will offer additional training on how to create reports. For those of you who are “super users”: a new PowerPoint on managing sub users is coming soon!
Getting help! For any questions about how to use NIMAC 2.0, the status of files in the NIMAC system, or feedback provided by our staff, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for assistance: 877-526-4622
OverDrive Support For questions or technical problems related to a batch delivery, contact the OverDrive Batch Team at: For help with any other system issues, contact OverDrive Technical Support at: