Work Based Learning Hands-On Learning! Frances Guggino WBL Coordinator
2 Cooperative Work Experience for our High School Students Publilius Syrus “Practice is the best of all instructors.” William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
3 Work Based Learning Objectives Hands-On Learning Real-Life Work Experience Valuable Transferable Skills Future Decision-Making Skills OBJECTIVES William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
4 WBL Benefits to Students Hands-On Learning Real-World Work Experience Future Educational Direction Transferable Skills for Your Future William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
5 WBL Benefits to Employers Students with Career Goals Higher Quality Employees Partnership with Local Schools Community Involvement William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
6 WBL Benefits to Educators Increased Student Achievement Current Business Information Guest Speakers Donations/Sponsorships William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
7 WBL Benefits to Parents Less Social Problems Goal-Oriented Children Productive Children Trained Workforce William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
8 WBL Current Requirements REQUIREMENTS Related to Career Goals In-School Training Adult Supervision Student Agenda and Safety William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
9 WBL Classroom Curriculum Career Awareness/Exploration Employment Skills Success Skills Career Standards William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
10 WBL Training Site Curriculum Job Description Training Manual Industry Awareness Employee Evaluation William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
11 WBL Programs Cooperative Work Experience (COOP) General Education Work Exp. (GEWEP) Career Exploration Internship (CEIP) Shadowing and Internships PROGRAMS William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
12 WBL Sample Assignments Company and Job Description Marketing and Competition O Organizational Chart and Floor Plan Professional Associations William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
13 WBL Business Placements Retail (Grocery, Clothing, Video) Office (Veterinarian, Real Estate) Financial (Banking) William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
14 WBL Family Science Placements Child Care (Preschools, Daycare) Food (Restaurants) William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
15 WBL Trade Placements Science (Brookhaven National Lab) Automotive (Garages) William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
16 WBL Health Placements Medical (Clinic, Doctors) Dental (Dentists) William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
17 WBL Program Impact—Students Gain: Confidence/Future Direction Transferable Skills Decision-Making Skills Classroom/Workplace Integration William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
18 WBL Program Success—You are the Key Encourage Teamwork Relate Class to Work Classroom “Employee Evaluations” Recommend Students to WBL William Floyd High School Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator
19 WBL Care to Chat? Frances Guggino, WBL Coordinator ( )