Bags 4 All Steven Engelhaupt
Objective To increase the participation of youth and adults in your surrounding community. Through participating in community service activities like Bags 4 All, people should be more motivated to participate in community service on their own.
~ Bags 4 All ~ What is it? Bags 4 All is a community service project in which the participants collect book bags, gym bags, duffel bags, and luggage to donate to homeless people in need.
How do I start the project? First you have to find a hosting organization. The organization should have a large number of people that they come in contact with regularly. For example this could be a church or a school system. Once the organization is found you should set up a meeting with the president, superintendent, or advisor.
How to start (continued) In the meeting with the coordinator of the organization discuss the following topics: – Where to collect the bags – When to collect the bags – What to collect the bags in – Who will collect the bags – Why you are doing the project – How to publicize the project – Who the bags will be donated to
What are some ideas regarding questions? Where to collect- – Good collection points are the places that everyone in the organization meets such as a church, school or all the schools in a district. When to collect the bags- – If collecting book bags the end of the school year is opportune because students are sometimes getting a new book bag and they can just drop it off at the end of the year.
What are some ideas regarding questions? What to collect bags in- – Large boxes work well. These could be U-Haul boxes, moving boxes or even trash boxes. Grocery store chains such as Krogers have large trash boxes that they might be willing to donate. If asking for donations write a letter and request to have a meeting with the manager and discuss details about the project.
What are some ideas regarding questions? Who will collect the bags- – You will collect the bags with other people helping you with the project or ask some friends or co- workers. Why are you doing the project- – Hopefully you want to do the project to extend a helping hand to those in need in your city.
What are some ideas regarding questions? How to publicize the project- – Ask the hosting organization of the project if the would be willing to make a flyer to distribute to the members of the organization. If they would not like to make flyers ask them to make an announcement to the members. Also, local papers are a good place to publicize the project because they hit home to your project area.
What are some ideas regarding questions? What organization the bags be donated to- – There are many organizations that interact with homeless such as the YMCA, YWCA, Friends of the Homeless, homeless shelters and free clothing stores. These organizations are all great sources that will typically are more than happy to accept the bags.
Appendices Appendix A: A powerpoint presentation that I, gave to the superintendent of my school system. I suggest having a presentation to give to the organization. You can use it as a template and change around the information to adapt to your areas. When you talk to your presentation include the page on the project history. In doing this you will make the project a little more credible and show that it is successful.
Appendix B Appendix B: A letter that I gave to the superintendent of the Dublin City School Systems thanks her for her support and cooperation concerning Bags 4 All. This was after the projects first year.
Appendix C Appendix C: A letter that I wrote to the manager of the local Krogers asking for donations of large trash boxes. If you do ask for a donation of boxes, modify the information regarding the organization and details about yourself. Also, you can include information on the project history from Appendix A.
Appendix D Appendix D: The flyer that I created to distribute through the school system.
Appendix E Appendix E: A general thank you letter to everyone that helped my project. This was submitted to the Suburban Newspaper, who ran my article, thanking organizations and supporters. In the letter I made sure that I thanked all the corporations that helped me to give them an advertisement to help them donate for future requests.