University Collaboration in Regional Development Spaces How universities can transform underperforming regional economies with the triple helix model Presentation by Nicolas Wallet 18 January 2011
UNICREDS will study two key elements The triple helix (the partnership between the public and private sectors and education) as a good governance model which allows growth and employment The ways that a decentralised higher and further education system gathered in a partnership strengthens the synergistic effect of the triple helix. Partnership
End of traditional Universities - Sustainable Governance
“Theorisation of the role of universities in regional innovation systems has evolved in the last 20 years, from the innovation systems approach, which highlighted the importance of knownledge spillovers from the educational and research activities performed by universities in regional knowledge spaces, towards the development of a third role performed by universities in animating regional economic and social development” Gunasekara, C Reframing the Role of Universities in the Development of Regional Innovation Systems. Journal of Technology Transfer, 31(1), pp Third European University-Business Forum by the EU Commission
New role of Higher and Further Education Universities as Producers of New Knowledge Universities as Educators of Advanced Knowledge Universities as Animators of Regions and Sectors Dalziel, P. Saunders, C. and Kaye-Blake, W. The role of Universities in Theories of Regional Development, in: Rowe, J. E., ed Theories of local economic development: linking theory to practice. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, pp
Higher and Further Education can create new opportunities “Universities, as major creators of scientific and technical knowledge, must be much deeper involved in the region they operate and develop a sense of awareness about and responsibility for contributing with real and novel solutions to real problems—especially those ingrained at the bottom.” Martins Rodriguez and Viedma Martí, Innovating through the lens of social entrepreneurship to tackle poverty reduction
Learning centre partnerships: Mutually reliant benefits
Partnerships Higher and Further education institutions –For Students Better access to education Life-long learning –For Business Working with SMEs Working with Industry –For Public bodies Working for the economic development of the region
Regional development capacity? “In this context, the role of local development approaches under Cohesion Policy should be reinforced, for example, by supporting active inclusion, fostering social innovation, developing innovation strategies or designing schemes for regeneration of deprived areas How can the partnership principle and involvement of local and regional stakeholders, social partners and civil society be improved?” Higher and Further Education partnerships can help 5 th Cohesion report EU Commission
Peripheral regions – Convergence to excellence
1- Cornwall Council Lead PartnerCornwall Council 2- Combined Universities in CornwallCombined Universities in Cornwall 15- University of the Highlands and Islands Millennium InstituteUniversity of the Highlands and Islands Millennium Institute 3- Municipality of Skellefteå - Campus Development UnitMunicipality of Skellefteå - Campus Development Unit 4- Regional Council of Västerbotten Regional Council of Västerbotten 5- Akademi Norr Association of Municipalities Akademi Norr Association of Municipalities 6- City of SeinäjokiCity of Seinäjoki 7- University Consortium of Seinäjoki / University of TampereUniversity Consortium of Seinäjoki / University of Tampere 8- Frami Frami 9- University of South BohemiaUniversity of South Bohemia 10- South Bohemian Regional Authority South Bohemian Regional Authority 11- Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public WorksBulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works 12- University of Sofia University of Sofia 13- University of Debrecen Centre for Environmental Management and PolicyUniversity of Debrecen Centre for Environmental Management and Policy 14- Hajdú-Bihar County CouncilHajdú-Bihar County Council University Collaboration in Regional Development Spaces EU economic centre
Convergence regions 2007 – 2013 Phasing-out convergence regions 2007 – 2013 Regions non eligible to convergence 2007 – 2013
20 Regions that have the most FP7 funds, representing 50% of the total FP7 funds so far
University and Economic Development: Knowledge Economy
Triple helix approach for economic development Conclusions of the workshops on University-Business Cooperation with SMEs and Regional Development University has a key role in educating people but it also has a wider influence the development of territory by interaction with the industry. Therefore there is a need for a better understanding of the impact of the university on the territory through all of its outputs (education, workforce development, entrepreneurship, research etc). Each region can and should build on its own strength and build up the capacity in its local sectors: not every region can be “silicon valley”. Understanding the point of access for starting collaborations and how to develop sustained university-business partnerships. These partnerships are built on trust between the individuals involved. They have to include a continued and frequent contact between the partners.
Dialogue between HEIs and industry should be led in a mutually comprehensive language. Incentives: It important to find the right incentive for the right actor. For example - there is a need for incentives for universities to participate in SME business-university partnerships due to high transaction costs of collaborating with SMEs. Incentives are also important for achieving cultural change at an institution, but the change is not instant and usually takes a long time. The focus on societal value within the region: putting university- business cooperation in the context of a shared objective for the benefit of wider citizens Best use of public funding. There are many different sources of funding (ERDF, FP and national) which can be used in a complementary way to support common objectives in fostering university business collaboration and generating high added value.
Nurturing Business Culture and Research and Innovation Capacity
UNICREDS themes Geographical and community ‘fit’: design of a decentralised learning model to meet specific physical and social characteristics of failing regional economies in peripheral areas; Developing partnerships: universities with other FE/HE institutions, local learning centres and regional agencies working together in partnership in isolated, failing or resource-poor regions; Embedding economic and community benefits: embedding the benefits of collaborative universities within the local economy and communities; Nurturing innovation: nurturing an innovative business culture and reaching isolated groups; Achieving excellence: building research and innovation capacity within the region to secure long term sustainability.
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