COPERNICUS Alliance European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development Mario Diethart, Clemens Mader, Maik Adomssent University of Graz, Leuphana University
COPERNICUS Alliance The vision of the COPERNICUS Alliance is to promote the role of sustainable development in European higher education to improve education and research for sustainable development in partnership with society. 2 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz Vision
COPERNICUS Alliance The Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions As the location of academic education, bearing responsibility for the students and their professional and moral quality as future leaders in society and economy. As major contributors to research, tackling questions arising with the transition of societies around the world towards more sustainable development. As significant societal actors, shaping their local, regional and national environment and important partner of other stakeholders, and society at large, for a sustainable future. Graz Declaration (2005) 3 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz Therefore the COPERNICUS Alliance aims to be an innovation network consisting of universities, NGOs, public institutions, higher education entities and individual members.
COPERNICUS Alliance Goals Network: to exchange and enhance knowledge on Education for Sustainable Development between European higher education and student organizations that work for sustainable development Policy: to promote Higher Education for Sustainable Development in European policy Service: to disseminate tools for sustainability integration in higher education Outreach: to promote sustainable development in European higher education Representation: to represent European Higher Education for Sustainable Development in international committees on Education for Sustainable Development 4 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz
COPERNICUS Alliance Background & Development strongly connected to COPERNICUS Charta that was developed by the European Rectors‘ Conference in 1993 and signed by 326 universities until 2005 Thessaloniki Declaration of VCSE partners 2008 COPERNICUS Alliance founded/relaunched in 2009 kick-off meeting July 2010 in Graz 5 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz
COPERNICUS Alliance Management & Structure President Board Elected President 2009/10: Prof. Dr. Friedrich M. Zimmermann, University of Graz, Austria Elected Vice-President 2009/10: Prof. Dr. Gerd Michelsen, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany 6 Conference – Thessaloniki, Mader, Trummler – University of Graz
COPERNICUS Alliance 12 Members (as of November 2010) University of Graz; Austria University of Music and Performing Arts Graz; Austria University of Technology Graz; Austria Medical University Graz; Austria Modul University Vienna; Austria WU Vienna University of Economics and Business; Austria University Innsbruck; Austria Leuphana University Lüneburg; Germany University of Bremen; Germany Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava; Slovakia London South Bank University; UK University of Gloucestershire; UK 7 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz
COPERNICUS Alliance Working Groups Innovative Teaching & Learning Implementation of Sustainability in Universities Student Involvement CA Management Policy Lobbying Outreach COPERNICUS European Interdisciplinary Research on Sustainability (CEIDROS) 8 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz
COPERNICUS Alliance Working Groups – Example “COPERNICUS European Interdisciplinary Research on Sustainability” In a plan milestones and actions are defined according to a rationale: “[…] provision of research partnership for sustainability research across Europe” “Kick off meeting at Bristol supported by interdisciplinary global eco-justice project. Review remit – discuss themes and make decisions about future roles and tasks; Develop first funding bids – outlines and teams” “Initial survey of research networks for sustainability in the EU and plan of how to link with them/inform them of the COPERNICUS network and agenda” “Formation of wider group with advisors/participants from EU funding councils etc.” 9 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz
COPERNICUS Alliance Working Groups – Website 10 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz
COPERNICUS Alliance Next Steps 11 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz Ongoing work within working groups (collaboration via “elgg” platform) Meetings at conferences and spreading information (e.g. at the “5 th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education”; World Sustainable Development Teach- In Day 2010) Annual meeting in 2011 New members are welcome anytime Workshop in Brussels in 2011 Updated COPERNICUS Charta 3-LENSUS database
COPERNICUS Alliance Thank you for your attention! 12 Conference – Thessaloniki, Diethart, Mader – University of Graz