Welcome to 4 th Period 4 th Period PRIDE hour Dress Code Other general information about our school.
4 th period at Altadeña Middle School PRIDE Hour
Schedule – 7 periods to enable kids to attend 2 electives daily – Wednesdays – rotate between AM and PM electives each week Creates a time for teachers to meet as a PLC: – Works collaborate as teams and core teachers – Time to focus on student data to determine if a student needs reinforcement on core concepts or an enrichment activity to enhance learning. Creates a PRIDE hour Changes for
For the rest of the quarter, your student will be in one of the following: – an enrichment class, extension of core learning – an intervention class, such as re-teaching, extended time, filling in gaps – *This time is to ensure that ALL students are learning and mastering the state/district core standards. – *This class will be fluid throughout the year, meaning students will be moving in and out of classes due to their learning needs. – *This class will be a pass/fail grade based on participation and work completion of activities. Pride Hour – New to Altadeña
First 2 weeks will be structured learning, such as – Study skills – Teach-to behaviors – Learning styles – Student handbook review – PRIDE program – Team Building – Student math and ELA pretesting.
DRESS CODE Kyrene Policy States: “ The body shall be adequately covered. Clothing shall not expose the chest, abdomen, back or buttocks area, and shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. Some examples of clothing items that are not allowed are listed below, but these examples do not cover every situation.” The following shirt examples are NOT acceptable
DRESS CODE Shorts need to adequately cover the buttocks and be long enough to participate in any activity and not be a classroom disruption. If any pockets are hanging down beyond the bottom of your shorts, the shorts are too short. Not acceptable ARE acceptable
SUPPLIES – WE NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT Due to statewide budget cuts, Altadeña had to cut our supply budget and our substitute budget. You can help: - Tax Credit donations (for clubs, Learning Lab, and other extra curricular activities) - PTSO graciously plans to support Altadeña by providing supplies We appreciate your support!
FOR EVERYONE’S SAFETY By Automobile: Students are not allowed on campus before 8:00am. Drop off is in the middle parking lot in front of the lower level. Only drop off in the lane surrounding the parking lot, NOT in the parking lot. To go to the office, please use the crosswalk. Do NOT cross between cars. Please follow the lane keeping to the right and only allow students to get out of the car on the right and pull forward as far as possible. NO DROPPING OFF IN THE UPPER PARKING LOT. That lot is designated for busses only. Pick up after school – same guidelines as above. If you wait about 10 minutes after dismissal, there is much less congestion in the lower parking lot and once the busses leave, you can use that lot. Traveling to and from school
TRAVELING TO AND FROM SCHOOL By Bicycle: Students must abide by the laws as they apply to riding a bike on the streets and sidewalks. When on campus, bikes must be dismounted and walked. No riding bikes on campus or the sidewalks accessing campus. Helmets are highly recommended. The bike storage area is locked, but all bikes need to have a separate bike lock. Having a locked bike area does not prevent thieves from jumping the fence and stealing unlocked bikes. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items, including bikes.
TRAVELING TO AND FROM SCHOOL By Skateboard, Inline Skates or Scooter: The rules for riding skateboards, skates and scooters are similar to riding bicycles. Skateboards and scooters cannot be ridden on campus and inline skates must be removed once the student arrives to campus. Storage is provided in the health office or with permission in teachers’ classrooms. By Walking: Students walking to and from school must cross all streets at crosswalks only. We have had calls in the past about students crossing the street outside of crosswalks and students walking down the boulevards. This kind of behavior could be referred to our SRO Officer.