Your partner in all air system cleaning SIS L.L.C. Air duct cleaning IAQ operations Smoke extration services
Your partner in all air system cleaning BACKGROUND INFORMATION Know-How brought from Sweden -96 Remarkable development in Finland. Cost efficiency has increased by 65 % during the last five years We use a spezialized method in quality control in air duct cleaning We are the only nation-wide provider for smoke abatement system services in Finland
Your partner in all air system cleaning SIS TODAY We clean over metres of air ducts every month We work on industrial sites, hospitals, luxury hotels and apartment buildings and cruise ships We service yearly more than hundred sites of smoke abatement systems We are subcontractors for ABB, YIT, Engel, ISS etc.
Your partner in all air system cleaning WHAT CAN WE OFFER? Air Duct cleaning Video recording and checking of the ventilation ducts Dust definition for Air Ventilation systems All IAQ operation Smoke Extraction System Services Smoke Extraction System Production
Your partner in all air system cleaning SOME REFERENCES McDonald’s (nation- wide) Ministery of Education The Bank of Finland Nokia Finland County Tax Office, headquarters
Your partner in all air system cleaning Royal SAS Radisson –chain of hotels
Your partner in all air system cleaning Assembly House of the Estates
Your partner in all air system cleaning Helsinki World Trade Center
Your partner in all air system cleaning Strömberg Park, ABB Industrial complex The largest industrial complex in Skandinavia
Your partner in all air system cleaning HK Ruokatalo Oyj, Head office and the largest food factory in Finland
Your partner in all air system cleaning Hospital of Central Finland, new surgical ward, all air ducts were cleaned after the air ventilation system was installed.
Your partner in all air system cleaning Orion Diagnostica – Largest Pharmaceutical factory in Finland
Your partner in all air system cleaning Silja Serenade – One of the world largest Cruise ships Over metres of air ducting
Your partner in all air system cleaning Presidential Residence We offer you presidential quality…