The Media The commercial media consist of enterprises that: 1. Create or acquire content. 2. Distribution of content (news, information, entertainment, or data) to an audience. Content Medium Audience ( Method of distribution ) Packaging or Retail
Media Industry Structure * Content PackagingRetail Segment Key Function Examples * Creative data production * Aggregation * Marketing and promotion * Wholesale distribution * Delivery to final customer * Artist/production house * Author/imprint * Journalist/title * Cable channel * Book publisher * Newspaper/ magazine publisher * TV/radio network * Cable systems * Book retailer * Newsstands/postal services * Newspaper delivery * Local TV/radio stations * Billboards * The Curse of the Mogul, Knee, Greenwald, and Seave, Portfolio, Distribution:
Mapping to Assess Competitive Advantage *The Curse of the Mogul, Knee, Greenwald, and Seave, Portfolio, ContentPackagingRetail Continuous (on- going relationship) Physical (sales force) Local * Increasing Competitive Advantage * (# of competitors go down) Mixed Discrete (one time, no scale) Hybrid Electronic Mixed National/Global DecreasingAdvantageDecreasingAdvantage * Barriers to entry
Media Business Models Advertising Only (Single Rev. Stream) Advertising/ Subscription Hybrid (Dual Rev. Stream) Subscription Only ( Single Rev. Stream) Transaction (Single Rev. Stream) TV Radio Google Outdoor Cable Newspapers Magazines HBO Newsletters Mobile Movies Content access is free Content access cost is low Content access cost is higher DVDs Music Content ownership cost is highest Content creation, distribution, and advertising-delivery business Content creation, distribution, access, and advertising-delivery business Content creation, distribution, and access business Content creation, distribution, and retail business
Supply and Demand Demand for advertising opportunities is up – Global ad spending increases every year 2-4% – Especially demand for video advertising online and in mobile (online growth +15%, mobile +25%) Supply of advertising inventory has gone from scarcity to abundance – All TV, radio pricing used to be based on scarcity, now just big, live events are – Newspaper and magazine pricing used to be based on size and placement, now its a mess
The Internet Changed Everything Advertising opportunities – inventory – is abundant, in fact its virtually infinite Search (Google) garners about half of all online advertising revenue – Performance-based (CPC) pricing – Relevance of results – A million customers TV CPMs have gone up slightly, but ratings have plummeted, thus revenue is down.
The Internet Changed Everything Selling media – Ad Words – Negotiating more – DSPs (demand-side platforms) Buying media – Networks, exchanges, and trading desks (SSPs, supply-side platforms) – Targeting platforms (Blue Kai)
Consumers/Customers A consumer uses a product: TV, radio, website s = audience or readers A customer buys a product: newsletters, music,, DVDs – Advertisers are customers for radio, TV, magazines, websitesthey buy access to audience/readers/users – Subscription revenue is relatively minor except for cable companies – Who is P&Gs customer? In some businesses the consumer and the customer are the same person – Detergent, razors
Purpose of a Corporation To create and keep customers – Cant make a profit unless you have customers To serve stakeholders – Consumers/audience – Customers/advertisers – Society – Employees – Stockholders (owners, investors, lenders) To survive – Need profits – Need to innovate and adapt (innovators dilemmadisruptive technologies)
Create a Customer Must satisfy unmet consumer/audience needs and wantsbenefits sought (might be unrecognized) – Stories – Search – Social media Create a differential, sustainable, promotable competitive advantage that will get customers/audience and keep them – Best way – high barrier to entry (TV stations, cable) – Next best – great products Create a business model that monitizes content/audience/traffic
Media Selling
What Is Selling? Selling is about getting customers and keeping them It involves a process of helping customers/buyers get what they want It is not a manipulative process in which salespeople get customers/buyers to do things they dont want to do Selling is about building trusting relationships, and guided by three basic relationship rules
Basic Relationship Rules (For Sellers and Buyers) 1. Do unto others as they would have others do unto them. – Treat them the way they want to be treated. 2. People like and trust people exactly like themselves – Find similarities and areas of mutual interest. 3. People dont care how much you know until they know how much you care
Purpose What is the Purpose of ad-supported media? –To bring our audience and advertisers together - KOMC/KRZK, Branson, MO –To help people sell more Fords, Lowry Mays, former of CEO Clear Channel Communications – To create a customer - Peter Drucker – Ad-supported media are in the advertising delivery business Thus, agencies and the media are co-dependent
Objectives What are salespeoples objectives? 1. To get results for customers Should be – not universal Buyers need to teach salespeople this objective 2. To develop new business 3. To retain and increase current business 4. Increase customer loyalty with insight selling
Insight Selling The Challenger Sale – Teaching – Tailoring – Taking control of the conversation
Strategies What are salespeoples sales strategies? 1. Sell solutions to marketing/advertising problems 2. Reinforce the value of advertising and of their medium 3. Create value for their product Before negotiating or discussing price 4. Become the preferred supplier 5. Innovate Big Ideas Packages and sponsorships
Functions Salespeoples functions (key skills) 1. Create a differential competitive advantage in a buyers mind 2. Provide insights Including how to buy the medium (Google) 3. Manage relationships 4. Solve problems – Big Ideas – Insights – Easy to buy
Related Functions 1. To represent the customer to sales management (inside selling) – Reinforce and help salespeople with this function Give them justifying arguments 2. To provide customer service 3. To monitor the marketplace for sales management – Help salespeople, dont lie to them
Biggest Problem In Sales Organizations People do what they are paid to do Wrong incentives lead to wrong, counter- productive behavior – E.g.. Wall Street and bankers and the sub-prime mortgage debacle led to the Great Recession
Buyers Ask all salespeople how they are paid (their incentives) – If primarily on commission, they are out for themselves, not the company and they will lower rates to get an order, to maintain relationships, and keep their list intact. – If primarily on making budget, virtually the same as being on commission, but will drop rates more near the end of the month or quarter. They are in a dilemma, but their short-term interests come first.
Learn to trade favors, if you trust the salesperson Learn negotiating skills – Talk price early – Open low, come up slowly – Have an effective concession pattern (get smaller) – You never get anything you dont ask for – Competitors vs. cooperators – See Advanced Negotiating Seminar at pt
If a salespersons company/product is important to you, get to know the salespersons top management (highest level possible) and negotiate with him/her Manage these relationships with important vendor management assiduously and objectively in your self-interest (your organizations and your own). – Network, cable TV – Top six websites (70%)
Carefully design your career – Media becoming ever more important – Focus on planning Exchanges and trading desks taking over buying – Specialize TV Online Mobile