MABS Learning Centers and Standard Toolkit for Bank Hosting Activities MABS Learning Centers Training Workshop
Learning Center Defined A MABS participating bank with existing or potential capability to orient other rural banks on the mechanics of its microfinance operation, either as a site for short exposure visits or as host of training courses.
Why the Need for Learning Centers Being MABS practitioners, themselves, Learning Centers are the best promoters of MABS technologies among other rural banks.
Benefits of being a Learning Center The participating bank is able to develop its capacity to provide in- house training for its microfinance personnel and the whole bank as well. The participating bank is given priority in accessing training materials from MABS.
Benefits of being a Learning Center The participating bank’s reputation is enhanced as a microfinance best practice adhering institution.
Benefits from Using Learning Centers Banks can learn directly from the learning center’s experiences. Training acquired would be more practice-oriented, rather than concept-oriented.
Learning Centers Selection Criteria 1.MABS participating bank for at least two (2) years 2.At least 500 active borrowers 3.Average monthly PAR(>7 days) over the last 2 years does not exceed 5%
Learning Centers Selection Criteria 4.Adequate training facilities (training/conference room and equipment) 5.Capacity to designate a microfinance manager/supervisor as the Learning Center coordinator 6.Preferably, banks that have prior training experience
What is the Standard Toolkit? A set of materials provided to learning centers to help them plan and conduct hosting and/or field activities systematically and effectively. Contains hosting guides that provide step- by-step procedures in planning and implementing a bank visit or exposure activity. The toolkit is also accompanied by tools (templates and forms) and handouts for the bank visits/ exposure activities.
Responsibility for Using the Standard Toolkit A Learning Center Coordinator (LCC) should be a designated coordinator/point person who is: a) a bank officer who is in charge or is closely involved in the microfinance operations b) be given authority (as defined by approved bank policies) to transact business or negotiate with parties such as MABS Service Providers and other rural banks interested in visiting the bank Responsible for seeing to it that the suggested procedures are followed
Scope of Work of LCC Specific duties and responsibilities: 1. Recommends to bank’s management whether or not to accept request for visits or training activities. 2. Prepare the necessary communication addressed to the requesting party and have it approved and signed by the bank president/general manager. 3. Prepare and plan the training agenda, schedule and checklist of activities (action plan). 4. Prepare and submit a detailed budget for the training and recommend a facilitation fee.
Scope of Work of LCC Specific duties and responsibilities: 5. Coordinate with hotels and restaurants for lodging and meal accommodations for participants. 6. Orient microfinance staff and other bank employees on the visit schedule and assign responsibilities. 7. Supervise the preparation and reproduction of training and reference materials including handouts, exercises, certificates.
Scope of Work of LCC Specific duties and responsibilities: 8. Ensure that the training venue, equipment and materials are available and in good condition. 9. Deliver assigned lecture/training module. 10. Supervise the conduct of the training. 11. Ensure that training evaluation forms are available and administered before the training ends. 12. Prepare and submit training completion report.