U.S. Policy in Latin America Renzie Balisacan A4.


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Presentation transcript:

U.S. Policy in Latin America Renzie Balisacan A4

Monroe Doctrine O warns Europeans especially Spain O no interference with our business! O a shield for Latin America O a way to promote its "Super Powers" O backed up Benito Juarez

Roosevelt’s Corollary O Platt Amendment O Latin America was vulnerable to European attacks O "chronic wrongdoing" O stay away Europe! O Dominican Republic in jeopardy

El Salvadoran Civil War O Social inequalities O poor economy O dictatorship O PCN vs FMLN O Oscar Romero O U.S. O United Nations

Bay of The Pigs O Failed invasion of Cuba O Eisenhower O Cuban exiles O CIA O JFK

Cuban Missile Crisis O Soviet Union O arms race O Fidel Castro O JFK O Nikita Khrushchev

Liberation Theology O Gustavo Gutierrez O Karl Marx O Christians should help the poor! O steps to salvation O Pope John Paul II

Spanish-American War O Spain colonized Cuba O mambises O Jose "El Apostol" Marti O Cuban Revolutionary O Sugar O President Cleveland O General Weyler O U.S.S. Maine O Armistice

Good Neighbor Policy O Good Neighbor Policy O nonintervention and noninterference O strengthen diplomatic and commercial relations O Nicaragua O Platt Amendment O Henry L. Stimson

Works Cited O Monroe Doctrine O O For-Kids.html O Roosevelt Corollary O O Good Neighbor Policy O O O El Salvadorian Civil War O O Cuban Missile Crisis O O Liberation Theology O O Bay of The Pigs O O of_pigs.html O O Spanish American War O