Studentstarter EUS Community Learning Centre Proposed Approach
Steering Group Representatives from the following areas have been contacted; –Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce –PSYBT (Princes Scottish Youth Business Trust) –Universities within Edinburgh –Business Gateway (SEEL – Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothians ) –Youthlink –Major Banks
Studentstarters Anticipated that students will be drawn from; –PSYBT scheme. –Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Business Start-Up. –Edinburgh University/Napier University
Programme Currently investigating the following; –Setting up of a virtual incubator –Workshops delivered by advisors from universities/colleges –Input to curriculum from business/ academia
Programme –Setting up an online user group –Coaching opportunities –Business planning sessions/access to on-line help –Summer school
YouthLink Scotland Mission Statement –YouthLink Scotland aims to support the development of accessible, high quality youth work services which promote the well-being and development of young people. Strategic Aims –to support the youth work sector to provide effective services for young people.
Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Business Development –Working with a variety of partners and development agencies we deliver a range of support to start and grow successful businesses including advice and guidance, training, development and e-business.
The North Edinburgh Business Incubator The North Edinburgh Business Incubator (NEBI) encourages entrepreneurial activity and business start-ups within the North Edinburgh Social Inclusion Partnership area.
Aims Encourage entrepreneurial activity and improve business start up Maximise local business access to opportunities the development of Edinburgh ’s Waterfront brings Up-skill the local business community to take advantage of new business opportunities Provide easier access to mainstream business support services
The Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust PSYBT VISION –PSYBT leads Scotland in the promotion and support of self-employment and business creation amongst young people, thus contributing to the economic development and community regeneration of the country's regions in line with the policy of the Scottish Executive.
The Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust –PSYBT will encourage, challenge and support young people in Scotland through the efforts of committed staff and volunteers to achieve their greatest potential in starting up and running their own business. Central to this is our President's wish that the most disadvantaged should be at the forefront of our efforts.
Web Addresses PSYBT – Business Gateway – Youthlink – Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce – North Edinburgh Business Incubator –