Six Major Trends in Journalism Project for Excellence in Journalism, State of the News Media 2010, 2009 * *
As we learn more about both web economics and consumer behavior, the unbundling of news seems increasingly central to journalisms future. – The growing public debate over how to finance the news industry may well be focusing on the wrong remedies while other ideas go largely unexplored.
The future of New and Old Media are more tied together than some may think. – On the Web, news organizations are focusing somewhat less on bringing audiences in and more on pushing content out.
The notion that the news media are shrinking is mistaken. – On the Web, news organizations are focusing somewhat less on bringing audiences in and more on pushing content out.
Technology is further shifting power to newsmakers, and the newest way is through their ability to control the initial accounts of events. – The concept of partnership, motivated in part by desperation, is becoming a major focus of news investment and it may offer prospects for the financial future of news.
The ranks of self-interested information providers are now growing rapidly and news organizations must define their relationship to them. – Even if cable news does not keep the audience gains of 2008, its rise is accelerating another changethe elevation of the minute- by-minute judgment in political journalism.
When it comes to audience numbers online, traditional media content still prevails, which means the cutbacks in old media heavily impact what the public is learning through the new. – In its campaign coverage, the press was more reactive and passive and less of an enterprising investigator of the candidates than it once was.