“RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Management and Financial Issues NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No /2010/579066/SUB/C4
Main budget categories DIRECT COSTS Staff costs Staff costs Travel & Subsistence Travel & Subsistence Sub-contract Sub-contract Equipment Equipment Other costs Other costs INDIRECT COSTS
Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No /2010/579066/SUB/C4 Directly linked and necessary for project Directly linked and necessary for project Reasonable and comply with principles of sound financial management (“value for money”) Reasonable and comply with principles of sound financial management (“value for money”) Compliant with applicable tax and social legislation Compliant with applicable tax and social legislation Actually incurred during lifetime of action Actually incurred during lifetime of action Functioning to financial and analytical accounting system in each country Functioning to financial and analytical accounting system in each country Without any profit Without any profit Eligible Costs R aising earthquake A wareness and C opping C hildren’s E motions
Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No /2010/579066/SUB/C4 Staff costs: Staff costs: Calculated on the basis of the actual gross salary or wages plus obligatory social charges and any other statutory costs Calculated on the basis of the actual gross salary or wages plus obligatory social charges and any other statutory costs Time spent for the project must be recorded on a daily basis by means of time sheet Time spent for the project must be recorded on a daily basis by means of time sheet Own contribution –Overtime work Own contribution –Overtime work R aising earthquake A wareness and C opping C hildren’s E motions
Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No /2010/579066/SUB/C4 Keep Time Sheets (a model will be supplied by CO) to report staff cost per month and person. Should be sent to CO and originals kept by the partner for the case of request by EU We strongly recommend to keep daily diary with the works of the project Staff changes are acceptable. Except for contracting staff all other changes should officially be reported to CO R aising earthquake A wareness and C opping C hildren’s E motions
Travel and Subsistence Travel and Subsistence DETAILS REQUIRED ON: reason/ purpose reason/ purpose destinations destinations number of persons number of persons travel costs travel costs subsistence costs (e.g. use of per diem) subsistence costs (e.g. use of per diem)
Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No /2010/579066/SUB/C4 Distinction should be made between transportation and subsidence costs: Transportation (flight, taxi to get to the work place, visa, travel insurances). Concerning this, the use of cheapness principle and the internal rules of your organization have to be taken into consideration R aising earthquake A wareness and C opping C hildren’s E motions
For the justification documents (reimbursement based on kilometers, or single expense accounts) it is necessary that you are able to present the related supporting documents. Supply copies to CO with summary in English (as in all categories)
Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No /2010/579066/SUB/C4 Subsistence costs: they are referred to all the expenses of board, lodging and local transportation in the city of work where one stays for at least one night (if there is no overnight stay, these costs are subject to 50 % reduction) there is a table of reference given by the Commission, that defines the maximum amounts for hotel and allowance (and that is advisable not to exceed with the justification documents) R aising earthquake A wareness and C opping C hildren’s E motions
Equipment Equipment Relating to durable goods, clear description of item required Relating to durable goods, clear description of item required Full estimated purchase cost Full estimated purchase cost Participants shall apply internal rules to Participants shall apply internal rules to calculate the eligible depreciation rate calculate the eligible depreciation rate
Sub-contracting External assistance Sub-contracting External assistance Relate to purchase of services, not of goods Relate to purchase of services, not of goods Necessary to make contracts (a model will Necessary to make contracts (a model will be provided by CO) be provided by CO)
Other direct costs Other direct costs other direct costs not falling within another defined cost category (Except consumables (e.g. photocopies), bank guarantees )
Indirect costs (overheads) (7% of total amount of eligible direct costs) Indirect costs (overheads) (7% of total amount of eligible direct costs) Costs that cannot be directly and exclusively attributed to the project, e.g. communication costs communication costs costs linked with buildings costs linked with buildings administrative costs administrative costs
Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No /2010/579066/SUB/C4 Refer to communication costs (telephone, mailing), costs linked with buildings (rent, heating, electricity, cleaning), administrative costs (office equipment, stationery, secretarial costs, photocopies) These costs don't need to be justified with supporting documentation, but they must be identifiable and justifiable in the accounting system of the partner organization R aising earthquake A wareness and C opping C hildren’s E motions
Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No /2010/579066/SUB/C4 Not foreseen in the Project Not foreseen in the Project Excessive expenditure: lodging in luxury hotels, Excessive expenditure: lodging in luxury hotels, business class tickets business class tickets Interest charges Interest charges Provision on losses Provision on losses VAT (exception if the participant cannot recover the VAT paid under the project. Proof to be delivered) VAT (exception if the participant cannot recover the VAT paid under the project. Proof to be delivered) Non Eligible Costs R aising earthquake A wareness and C opping C hildren’s E motions
Management of budget First installment (40%): March 2011 First installment (40%): March 2011 Second installment (20%): beginning of 2012 Second installment (20%): beginning of 2012 Last installment (40%): after the end of the project Last installment (40%): after the end of the project In order to close the project there is the need of prepaid invoices by each partner In order to close the project there is the need of prepaid invoices by each partner