Word Meaning
The skills: 1. Words with multiple meanings 2. Using Context Clues to determine the meaning of words (4 types) Examples Synonyms Antonyms General sense of the sentence
What is a Multiple Meaning word? A word with more than one meaning. Examples: left She left the room. There are no cookies left in the box. He turned left at the corner. watch nail hair rock right
cross Always make sure to check how the word is being used IN THE SELECTION!
example What is the meaning of the word locks as it is used in the paragraph? A. tufts of wool B. hair C. firm holds D. fasteners
The fiery ball sank lower and lower in the sky. For a moment, it was a strange, round cheeked maiden with brilliant curly locks blowing out behind her in the wind. She floated, suspended above the rippled carpet of clouds, then silently slipped from sight. Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense. A. tufts of wool B. hair C. firm holds D. fasteners
“Vingo stopped looking, tightening his face into the ex- con’s mask, as if fortifying himself against still another disappointment.” mask, Fortifying MW
“He propped himself up on an elbow and saw his comrade standing among the dogs, looking frustrated and angry, his face distorted with passion.” distorted, passion TR
Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense.
When you come to a new word, how do you figure out what it means? 1. Use context clues words or sentences surrounding the mystery word that assist you in determining its meaning 2. Use word structure This refers to how the mystery word is built. Check for prefixes, familiar root words and suffixes. Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense.
Context Clues: Examples Synonyms Antonyms General sense of the sentence
Examples: use examples within the sentence to help you understand the mystery word. Key words for this type of context clue: like, such as, for instance, including, and for example You can greatly help your budget by being frugal. For instance, using store coupons and waiting for expensive items to be on sale can save a lot of money. a. hardworking b. patient c. thrifty Do Practice #1
Synonyms: a synonym (a word that means the same or almost the same) may appear somewhere in the passage to give you the meaning of the mystery word. Do Practice #2
Antonyms: an antonym (a word that means the opposite) may appear somewhere in the passage to help you figure out the meaning of the mystery word. Look for words like: however, but, yet, on the other hand, in contrast Do Practice #3
General sense of the sentence: This type of context clue involves a bit more thinking, but is the one most commonly used. Do Practice #4
Review 1. What is a multiple meaning word? Explain. 2. Give 3-5 examples of multiple meaning words not mentioned on the notes. 3. What must you remember to do in order to correctly answer a multiple meaning word question? 4. When you come to a word you do not know, what can you do to figure out its meaning? 5. Explain context clues. 6. Explain word structure. 7. What are 4 types of context clues? Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense.
Homework on objective #1 Review test 2 and 3 : Use context clues to find your answers, not the dictionary!! Answers must be written in your book. Assignments due at next class meeting