Focus Calendar: Weeks & Vocabulary Integration Structure and Operation (LA.A Grades 3-5)
Clarifying the FCAT Benchmarks Grade 3, 4, and 5 Benchmark- LA.A Uses simple strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary for reading, including the use of prefixes, suffixes, root words, multiple meanings, antonyms, synonyms, and word relationships.
Structure Definition: Composition – what it is made of or its parts Sentence Examples: Halley’s Comet is a mass of rock particles, ice, and gases with a tail that orbits the sun once each 76 years. The universe, containing the entire physical world and all of its energy, is believed by scientists to still be growing outward. Key Question: “What is it made of?”
OPERATIONS Definition: A process or series of acts performed to effect a certain purpose or result Sentence Example: An astronomer uses telescopes and other instruments to study stars, planets, and other objects in the sky. A doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to you heart and lungs to make sure they are working correctly. Key Question: “How does this work? What is this for?”
3 rd Response Attributes Multiple Choice- Response Attributes: Distractors may include, but are not limited to, the following Incorrect meanings of words or phrases, Correct meanings of words or phrases that do not fit the context, Words with construct similar to correct response (e.g. same prefix), Incorrect interpretations of contractions. What Does It Look Like on FCAT? Items assessing antonyms should not include synonyms as distractors; similarly, items assessing synonyms should not include antonyms as distractors.
4 th Response Attributes Multiple Choice- Distracters may include, but or not limited to, the following: Incorrect meanings of words or phrases Correct meanings of words or phrases that do not fit the context Words with construct similar to correct response (e.g. same prefix).
5 th Response Attributes Multiple Choice- Distracters may include, but or not limited to, the following: Incorrect meanings of words or phrases Correct meanings of words or phrases that do not fit the context Words with construct similar to correct response (e.g. same prefix) Plausible but incorrect responses based on the text