Lesson 3 Day 1 “Schools Around the World”
Objective: I will identify parts of a book. I will identify parts of a book.
Non-Fiction Objective: Students will learn about the types of text features.
Table of Contents
Close-up Label
Caption Map
Locate Information Where would you find a Title Page? Where would you find a Title Page? Where would you find a Table Of Contents? Where would you find a Table Of Contents? Where would you find headings? Where would you find headings? Where would you find illustrations and graphic aids? Where would you find illustrations and graphic aids? Where would you find captions? Where would you find captions? Where would you find an index? Where would you find an index? T213
Objective I will stop and jot about what I know and what I learned. I will stop and jot about what I know and what I learned.
What I know and What I Learned In your Reading Notebook fold your paper like a hot dog. Label one side What I know What I Learned What I know What I Learned
Let’s read the title of the passage, Summer of the Shark. My inner voice is talking to me. It is wondering if sharks only come out during the summer. I am hoping to learn more information on this topic today. Before we begin let’s locate some nonfiction features. Let’s read the title of the passage, Summer of the Shark. My inner voice is talking to me. It is wondering if sharks only come out during the summer. I am hoping to learn more information on this topic today. Before we begin let’s locate some nonfiction features.
Today we are going to record what we know and learned about in our reading notebooks. Let’s read the title. Now under the What I know section. Write everything you know about sharks. Turn to your partner and read your list. (Teach) As we read, we will put an (L) and then list what we learned. Let’s begin. Today we are going to record what we know and learned about in our reading notebooks. Let’s read the title. Now under the What I know section. Write everything you know about sharks. Turn to your partner and read your list. (Teach) As we read, we will put an (L) and then list what we learned. Let’s begin.
Day 2
Objective: I will identify parts of a book and understand expository features. I will identify parts of a book and understand expository features.
Nonfiction text provides accurate information. We read nonfiction text to learn something new. T&T about something you have learned reading nonfiction. Nonfiction text provides accurate information. We read nonfiction text to learn something new. T&T about something you have learned reading nonfiction. When I meet new information as I read, I listen to my inner voice. The voice in my head might say something like “Wow, I never knew that before or No way! I can’t believe that! Those words show that I am learning new information. When I meet new information as I read, I listen to my inner voice. The voice in my head might say something like “Wow, I never knew that before or No way! I can’t believe that! Those words show that I am learning new information. Listen and watch as I share my inner thoughts aloud and on my text. Listen and watch as I share my inner thoughts aloud and on my text.
Today we listened to our inner voice as we read nonfiction text. Does your inner voice sound different when you are learning new information? T&T Start your sentence like “My inner voice says____when I am learning.” Today we listened to our inner voice as we read nonfiction text. Does your inner voice sound different when you are learning new information? T&T Start your sentence like “My inner voice says____when I am learning.” What are some words that your inner voice might use that signals new learning? Let’s list those
Schools Around the World Genre: Expository Nonfiction Tri-fold
Day 3 Finish Story and Tri-fold Finish Story and Tri-fold
Objective: I will look up words in a dictionary and understand how to use a dictionary. I will look up words in a dictionary and understand how to use a dictionary.
What do you know about Dictionaries? What do you know about Dictionaries? How do you think Dictionaries help us? How do you think Dictionaries help us?
A dictionary tells you the meaning of words and how to say them.
Words in a dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order.
The guide words at the top of the page name the first and last words on the page.
Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2. A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the shop. -v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream
Let’s look at some more examples under the ELMO….. Let’s look at some more examples under the ELMO…..
Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2. A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the shop. - v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream Each word defined in a dictionary is called an entry word. The entry word is printed in dark type.
Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2. A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the shop. - v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream A special spelling of the word comes right after the entry. This special spelling shows the word’s pronunciation, or how to say it aloud.
Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2. A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the shop. - v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream The definition tells the meaning of the word. When a word has more than one meaning, the definitions are numbered.
What is the definition for abandon? A. Started or confused. B. A frame with sliding beads. C. To give up completely.
What are the guide words on this Dictionary page? A. revolt and Revolution B. revolution and rhinoceros C. revolt and rhinoceros
What entry is after revolting? A. rhinoceros B. revolution C. revolt
Day 4
RISC “New School”
I am going to give you a dictionary Scavenger Hunt and dictionary. I am going to give you a dictionary Scavenger Hunt and dictionary. You will work with a partner to answer as many questions that you can. You will work with a partner to answer as many questions that you can. You will have 15 mins to complete the activity. You will have 15 mins to complete the activity. We will discuss when everyone is finished. We will discuss when everyone is finished.
Synonyms and Antonyms Remember antonyms are words with opposite meanings and synonyms are words with similar meanings Remember antonyms are words with opposite meanings and synonyms are words with similar meanings T261
Synonyms and Antonyms WordSynonymsAntonyms proper diverse certain Is correct a synonym or antonym for proper? Does different mean the same thing as diverse? Do certain and particular mean about the same thing? no yes
Synonyms and Antonyms WordSynonymsAntonyms propercorrectwrong diversedifferentsame certainparticularany