WH- QUESTIONS examples practice STATEMENTS examples practice QUESTIONS examples practice
FUTURE WITH WILL: Statements I’ll be on time if I leave at 2:30. I won’t be on time if I leave at 3:00. She’ll get a job soon. She won’t get a job if she doesn’t look for one. We’ll get home in time to see the game. We won’t get home in time to see the game. He’ll pay for lunch. He won’t pay for lunch. He never has money. They’ll go home after class. They won’t go home after class. 12 Examples WH- QUESTIONS examples practice STATEMENTS examples practice QUESTIONS examples practice
FUTURE WITH WILL: Statements Practice 12 Example: What do you think the future will be like? Fill in the chart. in one yearin ten yearsin 20 years your money your job your TV I won’t have any money in one year. WH- QUESTIONS examples practice STATEMENTS examples practice QUESTIONS examples practice
FUTURE WITH WILL: Questions 12 How will you get home? I’ll take the bus. Where will she sleep? She’ll sleep at hotels. When will they leave? They’ll leave in June. Who will they call? They’ll call the bank manager. Examples WH- QUESTIONS examples practice STATEMENTS examples practice QUESTIONS examples practice
FUTURE WITH WILL: Questions 12 Practice Answer the questions. Where will you be in 20 years? How will you relax this weekend? When will you retire? Who will you travel with? WH- QUESTIONS examples practice STATEMENTS examples practice QUESTIONS examples practice
FUTURE WITH WILL: Questions 12 Will you be home for dinner? Will they call before they come? Will he bring the book? Will she be here at 9:00? Will it be expensive? Examples WH- QUESTIONS examples practice STATEMENTS examples practice QUESTIONS examples practice
FUTURE WITH WILL: Questions 12 Practice Answer the questions. Will you retire young? Will your brother get married? Will she talk to me? Will they come tomorrow? WH- QUESTIONS examples practice STATEMENTS examples practice QUESTIONS examples practice