Be a Context Clues Detective! EQ: How do I use context clues to help me find the meaning of an unknown word?
What are CONTEXT CLUES? Anything in the context of a story that helps you to understand what the words mean. Read Around the word!
When you use context clues you are being a detective! You have to look for many different types of context clues, until you find the one that helps you. Use all of your skills at all times! Be more than just a good reader, be a problem solver!
Let’s Practice! Directions: read the word in the sentences. Use context clues to discover what the word means. Be prepared to say what in the sentence made you think of the words meaning.
Dignity Even when the police officer put the cuffs on the girl, she maintained her dignity, as he led her off the protest site. Definition: actions or speech indicating a high level of self-respect.
Splendid The rays from the rising sun shined splendidly through the kitchen window. Definition: an act done gorgeously or magnificently.
Particle Jon was so hungry that he did not leave a single particle of food on his plate. Definition: a small portion, piece, or fragment.
Elegant The young girl took her time when she wrote in cursive, slowly making each letter out of elegant slopes and loops. Definition: graceful in form or movement.
Injustice Aaron thought it was a great injustice that girls could carry a purse in high school, but he could not carry a book bag. Definition: the quality for act of being unjust or unfair; unequal.
After Madden 4 came out, the amount of people playing Madden 3 declined. Decline Definition: to become less.
What types of context clues do we look for when we are trying to find the meaning of an unknown word while reading? Let’s Summarize