Search for B-modes in CMB Polarization QUIET and other experiments Osamu Tajima (KEK) The QUIET Collaboration Ultimate High Energy Physics QUIET collaboration photo Jun at Fermilab 1
Ultimate Theory ? Inflation History of the high energy physics Looking at early universe LHC : ~10 TeV Observation of Inflationary Epoch Very Exiting Experiment !! Inflation potential : 10 ~16 GeV Ultimate HEP !! Today Parameterized with “ r “ : tensor-scalar ratio (T/S) 2 reheating (Big-Bang)
Ultimate Theory ? Inflation Primordial Gravitational Waves (PGW) Today Accelerated expansion of space creates PGW 3
Two approaches for PGW observation CMB polarization is much more sensitive. Discovery (on ground or in space) of PGW from CMB polarization will give a specific target for future gravitational wave detection experiments. a very strong science case can be made. Inflation PGW LIGO (ground) LISA (space) Today (13.7 Billion yr) Interferometer B-modes in CMB Polarization 380K yr ( last scattering surface ) sec Cosmic gravitational wave B-modes “fingerprints” of PGW 4
5 No PGW, E-modes only E-modes (even parity) At the early stage of universe, radiations (photons) were scattered by free electrons Anisotropy of universe Parity even polarization pattern
6 With PGW, B-modes and E-modes E-modes (even parity) B-modes: Smoking gun signal of PGW B-modes (odd parity)
Since B-modes are pattern in CMB polarization, experimental approach is; 1.Measure CMB polarization “map” on the sky E-modes B-modes 7
Since B-modes are pattern in CMB polarization, experimental approach is; 1.Measure CMB polarization “map” on the sky 2.Characterize them in Fourier space Multipole l (=180 o / ) E-modes B-modes 2 deg. 0.2 deg. Spherical harmonics (like 2-D Fourier Transformation) ~20deg. A few tens of degrees region are sufficient for B-modes search observation from the ground 8
Direct bound r < 0.7 (BICEP) B-modes ( U.L. 95% CL ) E-modes Experimental results at present Currently, ground base experiments lead this competition Because they can use cutting edge polarization detector arrays Smoking gun signal of PGW QUIET aims to detect B-modes from ground ! Regions favored by many inflationary models r = 0.01 ~ 0.1 9
The QUIET Collaboration 5 countries, 14 institutes, ~35 scientists 10 QUIET collaboration photo Jun at Fermilab
The QUIET Collaboration 5 countries, 14 institutes, ~35 scientists QUIET-1 observation: Oct – Dec at Atacama, Chile (5,080m) 11 CMB patch scan
Observation Patches 4 CMB patches were chosen (~3% of full sky) Observing them DEEPLY(Galaxy observation when CMB patches are not visible) Map precision on 1°x1°: ~1μK (7.5 months at 43GHz) 12 ~20 o Visible region along earth rotation
CMB QUIET Telescope Receiver ( detector array inside) CMB Digital Camera Telephoto Lens 13 ~30cm QUIET polarization detector 90 detectors array at 95 GHz
3cm QUIET-1 ( ) 95 GHz detector ~30cm QUIET-1 ( ) 90 detectors array at 95 GHz “Detector Array” is essential ~30cm CAPMAP ( ) Pol. detector at 95GHz Limitation of single detector sensitivity More detectors smaller statistical error, i.e. better sensitivity 1/10 size Several hundreds ~ thousand detectors are necessary to cover inflationary model favored region: r ~ 0.01 QUIET-1 is intermediated phase to proof of technology Large number of detectors 14 for all CMB-pol. experiments
QUIET-1 observation at Atacama, Chile 5,080m 19 detectors at 43GHz array sensitivity 69uKs 1/2 90 detectors at 95GHz array sensitivity ~70uKs 1/2 ~30cm 7.5 months 1.5 years > 11,000 H 15
Rotate parallactic angle with keeping the line of sight Q ~4 min scan time for each Q U θ Good Achievement for Calibration T Q(U) cos(2( - )) absolute = 1.7° (at 43GHz) T pol = 5mK Taurus QUIET telescope Crab nebula (TauA) by Y. Chinone 16 Polarization signal hieht [arXiv: ]
QUIET Polarization Map for Galactic Center QUIET WMAP (5-year) Stokes, Q Stokes, U Detector Calibration Low-level analysis 17
QUIET CMB Polarization Map Point sources are masked in analysis [arXiv: ] 18
E-modes 19 Significant power is detected at 1 st, 2 nd peak region Consistent with CDM model QUIET / LCDM = 0.87 ± 0.10 PTE from LCDM 14% for EE + BB + EB [arXiv: ] Strong proof of instrument and analysis Detector Calibration Low-level analysis High-level analysis
Limits from QUIET 43GHz (7.5 months ~1/3 of BICEP-1 data) Second best upper limits whereas short observation time Predictions from major inflationary models ( = 180 o / ) 19 detectors Expected limits with 95GHz data Expected Limits in QUIET-2 w/ 500 detectors B-modes : r < (zero-consistent : r= ) 20 [arXiv: ] 90 detectors QUIET detectors
Ground-based telescopes Chile, Atacama (~5,000m) POLARBEAR (2011 - ) QUIET 1 (2008 - 2010) QUIET 2 (201x - ) チリ (2010-)(2011-) Image: S. Richter South Pole (2,800m) Not shown here are ABS, ACTPol, (Atacama) Polar (South Pole) 21 They are also going to implement several hundreds ~ thousand detectors SPT SPTPol
Balloon-borne telescopes SPIDER ( 2011, 2012 ) PIPER ( ) EBEX ( ) EPIC Satellite Telescopes Planck (2009-) ~2020 COrE LiteBIRD Not optimized for polarization meas. 22
QUIET-1 initial data set at 43GHz QUIET-1 full data set Sensitivity of Future Experiments e.g. QUIET-2 Predictions from major models ( = 180 o / ) B-modes Search in Future All coming experiments claim good sensitivity r = O(0.01) or better sensitivity with several hundreds to thousand detectors The most important subject for future: Good systematic error control 23
QUIET-1 initial results at 43GHz Least systematic error to date I Q/U Leakage (fake pol. signal): < 1% Possible Angle Uncertainty: 1.7 o Possible residual contamination B-modes: r = 0.1 (Inflationary models favor r = 0.01~0.10) Strong proof of our technology for future Good prospects for further syst. error reduction – We improved 95GHz instruments and calibrations Extensive study of systematic errors [arXiv: ] 24
Summary “B-modes” in CMB polarization is smoking gun signature of inflationary universe – Ultimate High Energy Physics: 10 ~16 GeV Many experiments are going on, search limits are improved almost year-by-year – It is very exciting period now Experimental technique is still in its infancy – Especially, systematic error control – QUIET-1 initial results achieved least systematic error to date [arXiv: ] e.g. fake polarization signal: < 1% Many rooms for contribution by new comers from different fields, e.g. particle physicists 25