Academic Vocabulary 6 th /7 th Grade – Unit 1 – Week 3
Academic Vocabulary in the week Complete word study in class on Monday – if you can’t finish in class, complete at home. Vocabulary Frayer Models (squares) are due on Wednesday – you must have all components to get credit for having done your work. Vocabulary Quiz is on Friday – you will have 5 minutes to study at the beginning of the period, but I suggest you study through out the week.
Completing Academic Vocab Squares 2 definitions – one given, the other simplified in your own words Description/characteristics – information about that term that helps you understand what it is (part of speech, syllabication, word families) Examples – what is an example or synonym of this term? Non Examples – what is an example of what it isn’t/antonym Word families (description box) - write words that fall within that word family (analyze, analyst, analysis) Use the word in a sentence (in middle circle) – use the word correctly in a sentence you create.
In Class Word Study You should work as a group/pair to get your word study done. You will have time to complete a specific part of the frayer model (square). Stay focused on the task because time limits are short If your group/pair finishes the square you can move on. Mrs. Ramos may go over information from that portion of the frayer model, but not all the time – you may be called on to share your answer. What you don’t finish in class, you must finish at home.
Word 1 Central Idea (n) Cen/tral I/de/a Go to and search “main idea”. No words in the word family Use your own thinking – what is another term we use to mean central idea? What term is related to central idea, but does not mean the same? Write your own def Use the word in a sentence Word family or other characteristics/facts Examples (synonyms) Non Examples (antonyms)
Word 2 Supporting Detail (n) Sup/port/ing De/tail Please go to Type in the vocab term. Use your own thinking to come up with other words that mean the same as details. What do details support – this can be your antonym. No words in the word family? Write your own def Use the word in a sentence Word family or other characteristics/facts Examples (synonyms) Non Examples (antonyms)
Word 3 Citation (n) Ci/ta/tion Look up term in the dictionary. Use entry 2! What is an synonym? Antonym? Word Family? Write your own def Use the word in a sentence Word family or other characteristics/facts Examples (synonyms) Non Examples (antonyms)
Word 4 – 6th Analyze (v) An/a/lyze Look up dictionary. Use entry 2. Find synonyms and antonyms in the thesaurus. What are words in the word family? Write your own def Use the word in a sentence Word family or other characteristics/facts Examples (synonyms) Non Examples (antonyms)
Word 4 – 7th Develop (v) De/vel/op Look up in the dictionary Find synonyms and antonyms in the thesaurus. What are words in the word family? Write your own def Use the word in a sentence Word family or other characteristics/facts Examples (synonyms) Non Examples (antonyms)