CWM Slides
What is Chemical Warfare Materiel (CWM)? Army Definition - An Item Configured As A Munition That Contains A Chemical Substance Intended To Kill, Injure, Or Incapacitate The United States established a program to develop and produce chemical munitions when it entered World War I in 1917 Following World War I, the United States continued to develop chemical warfare agents and train troops in the use of chemical warfare materiel These training programs were expanded during World War II Development continued with the capture of German chemical warfare agents and later into the Cold War period of United States history. The types of chemical warfare materiel encountered at Formerly Used Defense Sites include nerve agents, mustard, lewisite, and phosgene Due To Hazards, Prevalence, And Military Use; Chemical Agent Identification Sets (CAIS) Are Also Considered Chemical Warfare Materiel
Examples of CWM K951/952 Ampule, Packing Material and Cardboard Container 4.2” Chemical Mortar 3 oz HD Mustard Bottle 115 LB M-70 bomb
Examples of CWM Training Protective Clothing Decontamination Chemical Warfare Agent Identification
Chemical Agent Identification Sets Chemical agent identification sets (CAIS), also known as war gas identification sets, were produced for use by all branches of the military between the 1930s and the 1960s to train Soldiers in the safe identification, handling, and decontamination of chemical agents The sets consist of small quantities of various chemical agents placed in glass ampoules, vials, and bottles, then packed in metal shipping containers or wooden boxes The purpose of CAIS was to train Soldiers to identify chemical warfare agents in the field In the past, one of the standard and approved procedures for disposing of CAIS was burial.
Three Major Varieties of CAIS 1. Instructional “Sniff Set” Contained Agent Impregnated Charcoal Intended For Use Indoors Instructed Military Personnel In Recognizing The Odors Of Chemical Agent Contained Small Amounts Of Chemical Agent
Three Major Varieties of CAIS 2. Agent In Sealed Pyrex Tubes Designed For Outdoor Use Agent Was Pure Or In Solution Gas Tubes Were Detonated Creating An Agent Cloud Contained More Agent Than The Sniff Set
Three Major Varieties of CAIS 3. Bulk Mustard in 3½ Ounce Bottles Used In Decontamination Training Contained Relatively Large Quantities Of Pure Mustard
Chemicals Found In CAIS Mustard (H, HD, HS) Nitrogen Mustard (HN1, HN3) Lewisite (L) Phosgene (CG) Chloropicrin (PS) Chloroform Adamsite (DM) Chloroacetophenone (CN) Sarin (GB) Cyanogen Chloride (CK) Tabun (GA) Simulant Triphosgene
Examples of CAIS