1 STScI Pipeline Thermal-vacuum data handling I. Neill Reid for WFC3 Instrument CALibration team ICAL
2 Introduction The WFC3 thermal-vacuum campaign will incorporate several innovations, including: Fully-planned science calibration campaign All images obtained during T/V will be archived in the HDA - science: calibration & performance verification - technical: optical alignment Data characterising the configuration of the illuminating optical stimulus (OS) will be incorporated automatically in image headers
3 Background Thermal-vacuum tests scheduled for Feb-April, 2003 at GSFC Science calibration mid-April 2003 (17 days) Expect up to 10,000 images; ~2,000 science Data-handling system design has been considered by the WFC3 ICAL Full system concept has been developed and impact on pipeline assessed Details of other sub-systems still under consideration
4 Functional Requirements for T/V data system Data acquisition - Acquire SDI and SHP files from SITS and OS snapshots from the Stimulus; merge and convert into a uniquely-named FITS file. Data logging - Automatically log all calibration activities -records what SMSs are being run and what pictures are being generated OS monitoring - Store all OS configuration and telemetry data in ancillary files. Quick-look and real-time access to local database - Images taken during T/V shall be available for immediate display and real-time science assessment on site. Data archiving – Data will be transferred to STScI for permanent storage and retrieval in the HDA. Exposure traceability - FITS files will be traceable back to the SMS scripts. Archive retrieval - DADS will allow use of keywords to retrieve images from HDA Automation - Provide automation to minimise data-handling errors and optimise use of manpower. Reuse - Legacy software will be used to minimize development costs Compatibility – For efficiency, the same software should be compatible with both UVIS and IR channels
5 System Concepts Two main architectures considered, both utilising heritage software: ACS-like system –Local operating system and database designed specifically for T/V –Flexible, rapid access to data via custom-built cataloguing facilities –Limited capabilities for easily-accessible long-term archive OPUS-like system –STScI-based system linked to Hubble Data Archive –Designed for pre-specified programmatic data acquisition –Well-defined, easily-accessible long-term archive Proposed system combines strengths of alternatives in a hybrid system
6 Recommended Data Handling System
7 System characteristics Utilise existing capabilities and resources Modular design - Science Calibration plan - SITS - Optical stimulus - File transfer & time stamp - Quick-look ACS-style Analysis System - OPUS/pipeline system This allows concurrent development and a phased integration schedule Minimise development cost and schedule impacts All calibration files will be generated from HDA images
8 Schedule Detailed schedule for full system currently under review - outline: Science Calibration Plan – final version, Nov Prototype systems for SITS/OS/Quick-look/Time-stamp modules will be developed for testing with Optical Stimulus, late-May to July 2002 Remaining issues can be addressed post-prototype testing, but before December 2002 Full system test in December 2002
9 Pipeline deliverables 1.File names 15 Oct 2001 unique identifier to associate SDI, OSC & log files and permit cross- referencing with quick-look data: ipppssoot_csiiyyddhhmmss.extension 2.Definition of unique T/V-specific keywords 31 Oct Incorporation of auxiliary information 31 May OS configuration files - comment/log files 4.Identify instrument set-up parameters for incorporation in science header 31 May supplement/replace parameters normally in PMDB 5. T/V specific archive retrieval tools 1 April 2001