Cell Biology - Models The NF- B/I B System Yurochko February 19-20, 2008
Lecture Goal & Outline Goal: To introduce you to a model of signal transduction and specifically examine a signaling pathway. The pathway being the NF- B/I B regulatory pathway. Outline: NF- B I Bs IKKs Upstream Regulators
NF- B Biological Implications: Human Disease Diseases associated with a dysregulation of NF- B. Atherosclerosis Asthma Arthritis Cancer Diabetes Inflammatory bowl disease Stroke Viral Infections (AIDS)
NF- B Biological Implications: Health NF- B regulation is essential to many aspects of our health including: cellular development cellular survival the immune system
What Are We Talking About?? Quick Overview of the NF- B/I B Signaling Pathway
The Players NF- B The I Bs The IKKs Other Upstream Regulators
History of NF- B Discovered in 1986 in the laboratory of Dr. David Baltimore. Found as a nuclear factor in B cells. Found to transactivate the kappa light chain promoter. Later found to activate many genes.
What is NF- B NF- B is a heterodimeric transcription factor from the rel-family of transcription factors. Classic NF- B is made up of two subunits termed p50 and p65. Other members include c-rel, RelB, p52, as well as the two precursors p105 and p100. Multiple subunits all interact to form a variety of factors with different apparent functions. Evolutionarily conserved family of proteins.
The NF- B and I B Family Schematic of the NF- B/I B families Details KEY features DeMeritt & Yurochko; In, Recent Res. Devel. Virol., Vol. 7, pp
NF- B as a Transcription Factor Contains a DNA binding domain and a transactivation domain. The p65 subunit contains the transactivation domain and the p50 subunit contains the DNA binding domain. The NF- B subunits contains a rel- homology domain.
RHD - Defines this Family Common to all members of the NF- B family. Is ~ 300 a.a. domain. Is a multifunctional domain. Controls NF- B dimerization. Allows interaction with the IkBs. DNA Binding. Contains the NLS.
Picture of Rel-Proteins View of NF- B binding DNA. DNA NF- B
Transcriptional Regulation by NF- B -- Mechanisms Binds to a unique sequence found in the B- responsive promoters (5’-GGGRNNYYCC-3’). c-Rel, RelB, and RelA (p65) contain transactivation domains. The NF- B family members interact with other transcription factors and members of the basal transcriptional machinery. NF- B interacts with HMG-I, bZIP proteins, Sp1, C/EBP c-Rel and RelA interact with TBP RelA interacts with TFIIB
Specificity - Transcription Factor Are there other mechanisms of specificity????????? From Science, 2004, 306:
Reminder: How a TF works
Reminder: How a TF works Diagram based on and adapted from Struhl, K., Cell 84: Enhancer Initiator TATA BOX -25 IID NF- B
Genes Regulated by NF- B Good vs. Bad The Good Immune Responsive Genes Cytokine Genes Adhesion Molecules Transcription Factors Growth Factors and Proliferative Genes The Bad Viral Promoters Growth Factors and Proliferative Genes Inflammatory Genes
Is NF- B really Important???? Through the use of Knock-Out animals the critical role NF- B plays in health has been demonstrated. p65 KO -- embryonic lethality. p50 KO -- develops normally, but has B cell immune defects. RelB KO -- develops normally, but has immune defects and changes in hematopoiesis. c-rel KO -- develops normally, but B cells and T cells are unresponsive to certain activating signals.
Mechanism: NF- B Activation NF- B activity is regulated by a family of inhibitors termed I B which include I B , I B , I B , the p105 and p100 precursors, and Bcl-3. Specifically, the I Bs binds to NF- B and keeps it sequestered in an inactive state in the cytosol. Following cellular activation (by many different stimuli (cytokines, mitogens, viral infection, etc.), a complex signaling cascade is initiated which ultimately frees NF- B from I B allowing it to translocate to the nucleus and transactivate B- responsive elements.
The I Bs There are two main I Bs I B I B There are also other less studied I Bs or I B like molecules. I B The C-terminal portions of p100 and p105. BCL3
The NF- B and I B Family Schematic of the NF- B/I B families Details KEY features DeMeritt & Yurochko; In, Recent Res. Devel. Virol., Vol. 7, pp
I B vs. I B I B is the prototypic I B. We first discovered it in It is a 37 kDa protein. Binds to NF- B and blocks its NLS. Regulates the rapid release of NF- B and its rapid down regulation. Also contains a nuclear export signal which is important in the removal of NF- B from the nucleus.
I B vs. I B I B is a 46 kDa protein. First discovered in Blocks the NLS of NF- B. Regulates the persistent release of NF- B. Also appears to protect NF- B from the negative effects of I B Specificty????
Mechanism: I B Regulation The I Bs contain critical serine residues. I B -- S32 & S36 I B -- S19 & S23 These serines are the targets of upstream serine kinases termed IKKs (I B Kinases). Following phosphorylation, the I Bs are ubiquitinated and targeted for degradation by the 26S proteasome.
I B Degradation Schematic of the regulatory serines and a quick look at the ubiquitination event (occurs at lysines 21 and 22 on I B ). E1 - ubiquitin-activating enzyme E2 - ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E3 - ubiquitin-ligating enzyme
Is I B really Important???? I B KO -- born normally but die of a wasting disease by day 7.
The IKKs There is an IKK complex composed of three known subunits. May include others, as the complex is kDa. Two of the members, IKK and IKK are catlytic subunits (85 & 87 kDa, respectively). The third member, IKK (NEMO), is a regulatory subunit (48 kDa).
The IKKs IKK and IKK have a very similar primary structure (52% a.a. identity, ~70% DNA identity). Contain the same domains. a leucine zipper (for protein-protein interactions), a helix-loop-helix domain (regulatory function), a kinase domain (functional properties). IKK does not contain a catalytic domain and is very different from IKK and IKK . Probably interacts with IKK and IKK as a dimer or a trimer.
Schematic of the IKKs Häcker and Karin, 2006, Sci. STKE, 357:
IKK Mechanisms of Action A model of how IKK activity is regulated (both up- and down- regulated). Controlled by phosphorylation (kinase dependent event). Häcker and Karin, 2006, Sci. STKE, 357:
Are the IKKs really Important? In Mice: IKK KO -- born alive but died shortly after birth. Showed severe muscular and skeletal defects. Had normal activation of NF- B following proinflammatory stimuli. IKK KO -- embryonic lethality (similar to the p65 KO animal). IKK KO -- embryonic lethality (similar to the p65 & IKK KO animal). Suggests what???????????
Defects in IKK KOs Hu et al., 1999, Science 284:
More Defects in IKK KOs Hu et al., 1999, Science 284:
Defects in IKK KOs Li et al., 1999, Science 284:
Are the IKKs really Important? In humans, there is a diagnosed genetic defect in which IKK is absent. (Called Incontinentia Pigmenti) In males - embryonic lethality (usually) In females -- congenital disorder of teeth, hair, and sweat glands, death usually occurs early in life.
Incontinentia Pigmenti Rare familial X-linked dominant condition (X- linked recessive trait (chromosomal locus Xq28)). Characteristics include Skin lesions Hair, eye, teeth, and nail abnormalities Osteosclerosis Immune system disorders (immunodeficiency resulting in recurrent infections) Some males do survive for several years (usually have a milder genetic abnormality)
Affected Males
IKK /NEMO - Another Role IKK or NEMO can function as a bridge to the interferon signaling pathway Thus IKK also has the capacity to regukate signal transduction pathways independent of its role in the regulation of NF- B activation
At this point, what do we know?
Other Upstream Regulators The are many upstream regulators described in the literature. How each upstream kinase fits in, is unclear, especially in regards to specific signaling. IKK regulation appears to be a point of convergence for a number of different signaling pathways. Some of the upstream players include: NIK (NF- B Inducing Kinase) MEKK1 (A MAP3K) Ras/Raf Others
More Details Possible Specificity???? NIK seems to preferentially activate IKK . MEKK1 seems to preferentially activate IKK . Suggests what????
What Activates NF- B????? Cytokines Growth Factors Cell Adhesion Viral Infection Thus a Receptor-Ligand mediated event.
One Last Concluding Figure Other mechanisms of specificity????? Molecular Cell Biology; 4th Edition
Everything you ever learned in one cartoon! IMAGES FROM: G. Orphnides and D. Reinberg 2002, Cell 108:
NF- B Biological Implications: Health & Human Disease NF- B regulation is essential to many aspects of our health including: cellular development cellular survival the immune system Diseases associated with a dysregulation of NF- B. Atherosclerosis, Asthma, Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Inflammatory bowl disease, Stroke, Viral Infections (AIDS) Thus, together this is a critical pathway and one that warrants much attention to understand its role in human pathobiology.
NF- B Biological Implications: Health NF- B regulation is essential to many aspects of our health including: cellular development cellular survival the immune system