Analysis of Images for Children By Angel Lopez
Cartoon Network Salience: The characters are playing a supporting role to the words. Represented is the variety of programming during the run of this ad. The creator is trying to represent the dominance in cartoon programming. This ad was created for the wide cartoon audience. People to benefit from this ad are people associated with the network while hurting competing networks. Language has been used in this ad in a straight to the point way.
Lego Salience: All of the subjects are the same size in this ad. This gives the ad a family appeal. Everyone can participate equally. Represented in this ad is the value of spending time with the family. The creator is trying to accomplish a sense of Legos not being only for kids. The people to benefit from this are Lego and the families that start to build things together. The text was aimed at young adults with kids.
Frosted Flakes Salience: In this ad, the toys that are being offered are just as big as the cereal ’ s mascot. Specific individuals are not represented in this. The creator is trying to get consumers to buy this cereal by offering free toys. The only people to benefit from this would be the consumer and the producer. The text was written for anyone who would be interested in this type of toy. Most likely Frosted Flake fans would buy this and would only take away from other brands if there where hardcore Guitar Hero fans.
Danimals Salience: The two brothers. Represented are young boys. The creator is trying to show how much fun the product is. The beneficiary from this ad is the company. The ad was created specifically for children who know who these actors are but it can also appeal to anyone who is young and likes to have fun.
Bakugan Salience: The only image on this ad is the Bakugan player and his Bakugans. Represented in this ad is the elementary school boy. The creator is trying to place an ad where kids will be able to talk about the subject matter with their friends. The people who benefit from this would be the toy company, ad company, and the schools if they are being paid for this type of advertisement. This text was written for elementary aged boys.
Image Credits Cartoon Network ad Lego ad Frosted Flakes ad Danimals ad Bakugan ad my-son/