Planet 13 Planet’s name: Planet 13 We are a democracy. This means the people are a big part of how we run our planet.
Government/Punishment How we punish the people on are planet is if we see misbehavior, fighting, stealing, and rude words, you will be punished. If you break these rules this is how you will be disciplined is….. Jail 13.
Rules No running red or yellow lights. No bad language. No violence/ fighting No hurtful comments. No disobeying parents.
LawsLaws We are a democracy. Our laws are what the majority of what the people vote for. They will help the government on their decisions.
Family Time… After school and work every child and parent should at least try to spend and hour with there family. It doesn’t matter where they go movies, sports, or, school conventions. You can go anywhere! As long as you are together. You also need to teach your children right such as not saying bad words, or violence. They don’t need to know what these things are, until they are old enough to understand. If we follow these rules we will be a good planet.
Sports and Fun Activities! We try to have a lot of fun sports and activities. These activities are safe but you could possibly get hurt. Football Cheerleading Basketball Baseball And many more…!
Education 13… We take education very seriously. But, we try our best to make it fun. We know most kids do not like it. But, our school has escalators, nice teachers, and a snack every hour. It starts at 9:00 and ends at 2:00. We make it fun but its also a great place for education…!
How we choose our leaders We choose our leaders by having a world wide election. Our peoples votes matter to our world. The competitor with the most votes will be our new leader.
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