Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles
Lesson 17 – Prayer Parables 18:1-14 Parable Of The Unrighteous Judge vv. 1-8 Jesus told this parable to teach disciples they should “never lost heart” v. 1 A judge (unrighteous toward God & man) is approached by a widow needing protection from her opponents vv. 2-3
Lesson 17 – Prayer Parables 18:1-14 Parable Of The Unrighteous Judge vv. 1-8 The judge does not care for the widow’s plight But because of her “persistent bothering” the judge grants her request vv. 4-5 God does care about us…He wants us to be as persistent in praying to Him vv. 6-8
Lesson 17 – Prayer Parables 18:1-14 Parable Of The Pharisee & Publican vv Jesus told this parable because some looked down upon others in self-righteousness v. 9 Two men went to pray v. 10 A Pharisee “prayed” a self-congratulatory speech highlighting his “worthiness” vv
Lesson 17 – Prayer Parables 18:1-14 Parable Of The Pharisee & Publican vv A Publican “prayed” begging for mercy v. 13 The Pharisee needed others he held in contempt The Pharisee was “bloated” in his self-worth The Publican didn’t need anyone except God The Publican saw himself as “worthless”
Lesson 17 – Prayer Parables 18:1-14 Parable Of The Pharisee & Publican vv Those who exalt themselves will be humbled… those who humble themselves will be justified and eventually exalted v. 14 cp. 14:7-11
Lesson 17 – Christ & Children 18:15-17 People began bringing their small children to Jesus that He might touch them v. 15a The disciples rebuked the parents…they must have thought such would be a “bother” to Him v. 15b
Lesson 17 – Christ & Children 18:15-17 Jesus replied, “Let the children come & do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these…whoever does not receive the kingdom like a child will not enter into it.” vv Child-like qualities are essential
Lesson 17 – Rich Young Ruler 18:18-30 A young ruler showed interest cp. Mk 10:17 He asked about eternal life v. 18 Jesus again emphasized the written word of God vv The young man confessed his observance… felt something was still lacking cp. Mt 19:20
Lesson 17 – Rich Young Ruler 18:18-30 Jesus points out the “1 thing he lacked” … he needed to sell all his possessions, give the money to the poor, & follow Him v. 22 Necessary for the kingdom cp. 14:33 This “1 thing lacking” was the young man’s undoing…he was unwilling v. 23 Mk 10:22
Lesson 17 – Rich Young Ruler 18:18-30 Jesus has emphasized single-hearted devotion to God…a prioritized life Eternal life cannot belong to one who does not have this…especially re: the wealthy A camel will go through the eye of a needle before such will be saved vv
Lesson 17 – Rich Young Ruler 18:18-30 The disciples ask, “Who can be saved?” Jesus reassures that with God…anything is possible vv Peter justifies himself & the other apostles at the expense of the recently-departed young ruler v. 28 cp. Mt 19:27
Lesson 17 – Rich Young Ruler 18:18-30 The apostles would receive “12 thrones in the regeneration” Mt 19:28 All who are willing to leave everything for Jesus will be spiritually blessed many times over vv
Lesson 17 – Foretelling Death 18:31-34 Again, Jesus reminds His apostles of His impending death vv He emphasizes the “certainty” of this…it has been previously declared by the prophets The apostles did not comprehend…their fear was hindering them v. 34 cp. Mk 10:32
Lesson 17 – Blind Bartimaeus 18:35-43 As Jesus approached Jericho, He came across 2 blind beggars v. 35 cp. Mt 20:30 Mk 10:46 One (Bartimaeus) hears the crowd, inquires about it…he is told it is Jesus vv He cries, “Jesus, have mercy!!” v. 38
Lesson 17 – Blind Bartimaeus 18:35-43 Others in the crowd tell Bartimaeus to be quiet…he cries out all the more v. 39 Jesus stops, commands that Bartimaeus be brought to Him v. 40 He asks him what he desires…Bartimaeus requests his sight v. 41
Lesson 17 – Blind Bartimaeus 18:35-43 Jesus heals Bartimaeus because of his faith in Him v. 42 Bartimaeus as well as the crowd began praising and glorifying God v. 43