04/14/08 Small Group Huddle
I. Introductory Thoughts A. What is the purpose of small groups? Growth? Community? Support? Prayer? Service? Disciple? Encourage? Bible Study? Why Meet? What’s the primary goal as a leader?
B. All elements are important C. What You See As the purpose- or goal of small groups determines what you focus on
D. Consider Jesus’ time with disciples – as a small group leader – what was his goal?... TRANSFORM LIVES... A complete and total overhaul from the inside out
LEADER A disciple Real-genuine-respectful-caring Has time & energy to do the job A learner Willing to be used by God Willing to share self Takes care of self Others? How could you be doing this better? Take care of yourself- time- prayer- rest Make space in your life for God Share the “burden”… assign roles- have an assistant leader Be realistic and flexible Use your shepherd Maintain healthy boundaries Others?
Environment How could you be doing this better? pre-empt common disruptions (phone-children-etc.) Always anticipate late comers by setting aside chairs with easy access- quickly welcome, but move along Ask host to be prepared for outside distractions Are seating arrangement/chairs best? Physical space Lighting-chairs-temperature- sound-distractions-food-A.V. needs Create atmosphere that fosters intimacy- learning- safety-comfort
Tasks How could you be doing this better? Rules of the group- set expectations Structure time Covenant Stay on task/direct tasks Confidentiality Topic/materials Prayer leader Set rules early and clearly Remind periodically of the rules and guidelines Handle “EGR’S” quickly & lovingly
Relationships How could you be doing this better? be “shock proof”- respond, rather than react to people & problems Be flexible- don’t let your agenda run the group Confront immediately and appropriately (deal with “EGR’S”) Gently ask quiet members to give opinions Be “OK” with silence- quiet spots Play “dumb”- allow other’s responses Get group feedback- how is the group doing? Create Safety Tend to boundaries Listen-encourage-challenge-ask Foster trust Seek GROUP participation Create opportunities for relationship building
Spirituality How could you be doing this better? pray immediately when requests are given Teach by example- set up mentoring relationships Have a “love seat” for those who need prayer for the group to lay hands on and pray Ask what God is doing in lives regularly Look at Bible study as “cave exploring”- allow others to explore Invite worship leader in periodically Prayer for group – in group- Worship time Teach/facilitate learning Tend to spiritual growth- spiritual issues- “shepherd” Study Scripture Help find answers or resources Service projects Model discipleship
Spirituality Tasks LEADEREnvironmentRelationships Remember- God’s redemptive power in our lives (our story) is the greatest thing we have to offer as a leader
_______ Small Group Huddle Training Brad Olson, Psy.D.,M.Div