(JOHN 17) JESUS’ INTERCESSORY PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH By Ps Philips Koh First Baptist Churc h 7 June 2009 First Baptist Churc h 7 June 2009
THE PRAYER OF JESUS… IN THE GARDEN OF GETHSAMANE Reveals Jesus’ willingness to subordinate his own will to the Father’s will IN JOHN 17 Reveals his love for true believers by his faithful intercession for them
A. JESUS AND GOD THE FATHER (VERSES 1-5) JESUS PRAYED FOR HIS GLORIFICATION * Key word in this passage – ‘glory’ Art by James J. Tissot Source:
THEOLOGICAL ISSUES Not when He was about to sacrifice His life on the Cross for sinners Not when He was only taking back the glory which was His in the first place Was Jesus uttering a selfish prayer by asking the Father to glorify Him (verse 5)?
THEOLOGICAL ISSUES (cont) His authority to grant eternal life (verse 2)? His claim to pre-existence (verses 5 & 24)? One cannot take a neutral stand regarding the person of Jesus. - Is Jesus God or is He the greatest liar? What special claim was Jesus making for Himself by…
APPLICATION POINT 1 What does it imply for us to possess eternal life (verse 3)?
APPLICATION POINT 1 (cont) The emphasis does not fall on the duration of endless existence, but on the experiential knowledge of God the Father and Jesus. A qualitative relationship with God rather than a quantitative life in heaven * See Matthew 7:21-23
B. JESUS AND HIS DISCIPLES (VERSES 6-19) JESUS PRAYED FOR THEIR PRESERVATION -Jesus knew that his disciples would face implacable opposition from the world * Key word in this passage – ‘kept’
FIRST KEY TRUTH If Jesus prays for our protection and preservation all the time, then true believers will never lose their salvation
FIRST KEY TRUTH (cont) Jesus talks about those whom the Father has given to him (verse 6) Jesus talks about losing none to perdition, except for Judas Iscariot (verse 12) * A serious theological issue here - Was Judas an ‘automaton’ in God’s scheme of redemption?
SECOND KEY TRUTH Our salvation depends on God’s keeping power, rather than our weak and feeble faith See Luke 22:31-32.
THIRD KEY TRUTH Jesus’ heavenly ministry is that of interceding for his earthly followers See Hebrews 7:25-26.
David Pawson “Even if there is no one is praying for you on this earth, there is always someone praying for you in heaven.”
APPLICATION POINT 2 Do you and I draw a lot of comfort that Jesus is still praying for each one of us that our faith might not fail?
C. JESUS AND THE CHURCH (VERSES 20-26) JESUS PRAYED FOR THEIR UNITY - Jesus knew that he would have worldwide followers through the missionary efforts of his disciples (verse 20) Key word in this passage – ‘one’
KEY SPIRITUAL QUESTIONS Q1. What was Jesus’ paramount concern for the church? A1. Prayed for their complete unity (verse 23)
KEY SPIRITUAL QUESTIONS Q2.How does the church maintain its unity? A2. By… Obeying the Word of God (verse 6) Imitating the unity of the Trinity (verse 22)
KEY SPIRITUAL QUESTIONS Q3. How can the members of the Holy Trinity enjoy perfect unity? A3. Remember that.. There is no envy or jealousy in the Godhead. They accord the highest honour to one another
a) The Father glorifies the Son (John 17:1) b) The Son glorifies the Father (John 17:4) c) The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus (John 16:14)
APPLICATION POINT 3 How do we maintain unity with one another?
1. What is the end goal of church unity? 2. An evangelistic dimension (see verse 23) CONCLUSION