Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Police 23 August 2011 Recommendations of the ICD six monthly report on the Domestic Violence Act and the promotion of effective policing of crimes against women and children 1
Non-compliance with obligations in terms of the Act Sect 18(5)(d)(i) of Domestic Violence Act: The number and particulars of reports received by the SAPS of failures by its members to comply with obligations imposed on them in terms of the Act or the national instruction, disciplinary proceedings instituted as a result thereof and the decisions which emanated from such proceedings, steps taken as a result of recommendations made by the Independent Complaints Directorate. 2
Domestic Violence Report 1 January – 31 Dec 2010 No of cases reported involving domestic violence GPWCKZNFSECMPNWLIMNCTOTAL Jan-Jun Jul-Dec TOTAL
1/2010 2/2010 Total number of complaints received Unfounded5 6 Remedial counselling2 2 Verbal warning5 3 Written warning4 6 Dismissed1 0 Other sanction imposed3 5 Under investigation8 11 ICD – no disciplinary action5 14 ICD – awaiting decision4 8 Domestic Violence Report 1 January – 31 Dec
The complaints against members decreased by 36% during this period if compared with the previous reporting period (2009). This may be ascribed to training interventions that were increased. Domestic Violence Report 1 January – 31 Dec
Training on Domestic Violence: To ensure compliance with the Act, Regulations and National Instruction; and To develop the necessary skills to enable members to deal with incidents of domestic violence in a sensitive, professional and efficient manner Training on Domestic Violence 6
Training on domestic violence is included and forms an integral part of the Basic Training Programme for new recruits since A total number of 3302 (2009/2010 financial year) and 2109 (2010/2011 financial year) new recruits underwent the Basic Training Programme (which includes training on domestic violence). Training (Basic Training) 7
A five day domestic violence learning programme is presented This includes sensitising members to the social context and complex nature of domestic violence, practical skills in dealing with victims and victim support and skills in executing obligations in terms of the Act and National Instruction (eg rendering of assistance to the victim and the completion of forms and registers) Training (In service) 8
Training (In service) (Cont) Course2009/2010 Financial year 2010/2011 Financial year Domestic Violence Sexual Offences Victim Empowerment TOTAL
Victim Friendly Rooms (at end of March 2011) VFRs rooms located at: ECFSGPKZNLIMMPUNCNWWCTOTAL Police station Satellite police stations Contact points International airports FCS Units Railway police stations and coaches Total per province
Provision of victim friendly rooms at police stations Police set a target of providing all police stations with victim friendly rooms by The Divisions: Visible Policing and Supply Chain Management are working together to provide 77 park home type victim facilities at stations in this financial year. All new police stations are built with victim friendly rooms. 11
176 FCS units have been established and are operational in all 9 provinces There are 1896 members attached to these units (as on 31 March 2011)(excl forensic social workers) The forensic social work capacity will form part of FCS staff and will be responsible for the forensic assessment of children, compilation of court reports and testifying in court The establishment of FCS Units 12
Of the members attached to FCS units, have undergone training on the Act (as at end of July 2011) Outstanding members are nominated to attend the 5 week FCS Detective Learning Programme course (The Domestic Violence Act is a module of this course) Courses are scheduled for Sept and Nov 2011 and Jan 2012 where 50 members of FCS will be accommodated per course In total, 250 members of FCS will be trained in this financial year In-service training is also provided to these members Training of FCS members 13
arrests were executed by members of the FCS 529 convictions for crimes perpetrated against child victims were recorded 595 convictions for crimes perpetrated against adult victims were recorded Number of arrests and convictions 1 January – 31 March
Under the auspices of the NPA, FCS units are engaged in izimbizo with communities nationwide FCS: Head Office regularly attends meetings of the Interdepartmental Management Team (IDMT). This body – develops, manages and expands the Thuthuzela Care Centre model; guides governmental and civil society initiatives to address gender based violence in SA; and forms partnerships with other countries in Africa to share lessons and best practices to enhance the development and implementation of regional gender justice structures. Initiatives undertaken by FCS Units to ensure victim support 15
FCS units are committed to provide a professional service to all victims, inter alia by ensuring investigations are conducted professionally and regular feedback is given to victims on the progress FCS: Head Office has identified the lack of Child Friendly Facilities at office of the units and has pro-actively sought sponsorships from donors to build/upgrade facilities. Sponsorships have already been secured for the building/upgrading of 6 facilities over the next 2 years and more initiatives to obtain corporate sponsors are underway Initiatives undertaken by FCS Units to ensure victim support (Cont) 16
In respect of each case reported to the SA Police involving domestic violence, a detective is designated to conduct a full investigation and present the docket to the Public Prosecutor. Non-Compliance by Members: -Failure by a member to comply with an obligation imposed ito the Act constitutes misconduct. Disciplinary proceedings are instituted against members who fail to comply with their obligations UNLESS the ICD directs otherwise. Monitoring and Evaluation 17
The Division Visible Policing conducts visits to stations, including visits for the purpose of assessing compliance with visible policing prescripts. The implementation of the Domestic Violence Act is included in the assessment template. During the 2010/2011 financial year, 58 full compliance visits were conducted. Shortcomings found during visits are addressed with in service training and corrective actions and feedback is given to station, cluster and provincial management. Monitoring and Evaluation (Cont) 18
Training will still be required to ensure that members deal with domestic violence incidents properly (This is currently being addressed by Basic Training and In-service training) Gender sensitivity is required to properly deal with domestic violence incidents (This is currently being addressed by continuously presenting workshops on diversity and gender issues) Challenges: Domestic Violence 19
Community not yet fully aware and sensitized about the protection afforded by the Act Corporate Communication has developed a communication strategy which focuses, inter alia, on the raising of awareness of the protection afforded to victims of Domestic Violence. This includes posters, printed material and promotional items, radio-talks, izimbizo, etc. Proper coordination between different state departments, NGO’s and community initiatives is essential to properly deal with domestic violence incidents Challenges: Domestic Violence (Cont) 20
Victims electing to withdraw charges for various reasons (eg economic dependency) Insufficient resources for immediate provision of Victim Friendly Facilities at all service points (police stations and FCS units) Challenges: Domestic Violence (Cont) 21