Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard Students acquire vocabulary through exposure to language-rich situations, such as reading books and other texts and conversing with adults and peers. They use context clues, as well as direct explanations provided by others, to gain new words. They learn to apply word analysis skills and to build and extend their own vocabulary. As students progress through the grades, they become more proficient in applying their knowledge of words (origins, parts, relationships, meanings) to acquire specialized vocabulary that aids comprehension. (Ohio English Language Arts Academic Content Standards, 2001 )
“Vocabulary instruction is fundamental to reading comprehension; one cannot understand text without knowing what most of the words mean.... a reader’s general vocabulary knowledge is the single best predictor of how well that reader can understand text.” (Anderson & Freebody, 1981, as cited in Nagy, 1988)
The issue Strong link between vocabulary knowledge and reading ability widely acknowledged Many remain tied to antiquated and ineffective instructional practices. Students “learn” words in order to complete worksheets and pass tests. No long term carryover
Reseach-based Solutions Expand vocabulary indirectly, through more reading, especially of diverse text. (Lehr, Osborn, and Herbert Use in-depth knowledge of words to increase comprehension. (Nagy) a
Teach students to divide and conquer word parts. Provide regular opportunities for students to practice and discover words on their own and in the company of others. Share your own love of words, and invite students to share theirs. Provide for multiple exposures to words through conversation, visual displays, readings, etc. Provide students with diverse texts, including literary and informational pieces, poetry, and visual materials.
Tuck “word talk” into all lessons Encourage students to become word sleuths. Teach the word analysis strategy of divide and conquer. Provide direct instruction for key vocabulary. Just as every story has words, every word has a story. Make time for “word play.” Promote wide reading on a variety of topics.