Math for Electronics 7/29/2014
Approved Course Calculator. sine and arcsine log tangent and arctangent degree and radian exponent Sign change engineering notation square and squareroot scientific notation Floating point notation
Checking Calculator Use
Different Math Symbols for Multiplication, Division, and Exponents
Greek Letters
Common Prefixes tera-T10 12 (trillion)trillionGreek giga-G10 9 (billion)Greek mega-M10 6 (million)Greek myria-ma 10 4 (ten thousand) Greek kilo-k10 3 (thousand)Greek hecto-h10 2 (hundred)Greek deca-da10 1 (ten)Greek deci-d10 -1 (tenth)Latin centi-c10 -2 (hundredth)Latin milli-m (thousandth) Latin myrio-mo (ten- thousandth) Greek micro-μ10 -6 (millionth)Greek nano-n10 -9 (billionth)Latin pico-p (trillionth)Italian
Reciprocals in General and of Powers of 10
Scientific versus Engineering Notation Standard Form or Scientific Notation A number written with one digit to the left of the decimal point and multiplied by 10 raised to some power is written in standard form or with scientific notation, ex = x = 3.6x10 -2 Engineering Notation Engineering notation is similar to scientific notation except that the power of ten is always a multiple of 3, ex = = = 36x10 -3 = Units used in engineering may be made smaller or larger with the use of prefixes, ex.prefixes 4.7 kJ = 4.7x10 3 J = 4700 J 8 MV = 8x10 6 V = V (note that M is mega or the prefix meaning 10 6 )
Scientific versus Engineering Notation Any sites given in the class are recommended as excellent math websites for multiple types of math problems. Here are the specific links for help with Scientific and Engineering Notation
Operation with Powers of 10 Note that this answer is also in Engineering Notation!
Operation with Powers of 10 Note that this answer is NOT in Engineering Notation! Change it to 80.0x10 6
Operation with Powers of 10 Note that this answer is also in Engineering Notation!
Operation with Powers of 10 Powers The digit term is raised to the indicated power and the exponent is multiplied by the number that indicates the power. (2.4 x 10 4 ) 3 = (2.4) 3 x 10(4x 3 ) = x = x (6.53 x ) 2 = (6.5 3 ) 2 x 10 (-3)x2 = x = x Roots Change the exponent if necessary so that the number is divisible by the root. Remember that taking the square root is the same as raising the number to the one-half power. Note that the first two answers were in Engineering Notation before they were converted to scientific notation! The last answer must be changed to 0.6x10 3.
Chapter 1 Formulas and the Math that Goes with Them Q:charge(coulombs), V:volt (volts), I:current(amperes),G:conductance(siemens), R:resistance(ohms), T:time(seconds)
Chapter 1 Formulas and the Math that Goes with Them
Can you derive the two other equations from R=1/G?
Operations with Decimals Find the following: (6.3) 8.06/2.6
Finding Common Percent Values How do you calculate 20%, 10%, 5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.25%, and 0.1% in your head? For example, what is 10% of 340? “of” means multiply 10%x340=0.10x340=34.0=34. Note that the decimal moved 1 place to the left to make the number smaller. What is 10% of 620? 840? 120? 9600?
Finding Common Percent Values How do you calculate 20%, 10%, 5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.25%, and 0.1% in your head? Since 10% of 340 is 34, we know that 5% is half that % would be twice 34 68.
Finding Common Percent Values How do you calculate 20%, 10%, 5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.25%, and 0.1% in your head? 1% of 340 is 0.01(340)=3.4 (the decimal moved two places to the left), then 2% is twice that % would be half of 3.4 1.7, and 0.25% would be half of 1.7 Finally, 0.1% would be 1/10 of 3.4 0.34 (the decimal moved three places to the left).
Finding Common Percent Values Calculate 20%, 10%, 5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.25%, and 0.1% of 1200.