South/West Corridor Transit Improvements PRIMO & ENHANCED AMENITIES PLANNING PHASE September 9, 2014 Planning & Project Development Committee August 11, 2015
Presentation Outline 2 2 I.Project Background II.Service Concept III.Transit Signal Priority IV.Passenger Facilities V.Implementation Next Steps
3 3 Project Background Recommended in 2011 Long Range Comprehensive Transit Plan December 2012: Primo service launched on Fredericksburg Rd Alternatives Analysis: Spring-Summer 2014 Implementation Plan Development: Fall Summer 2015
4 South/West Corridor Transit Needs Work trips made by transit: – 2.39% in region – 8.0% by residents of corridor Ridership levels are even throughout the day Improve frequency, speed and reliability Provide high-quality, accessible passenger facilities Connectivity between South/West corridor and major activity centers 4 CoSA Major Activity Centers TxA&M Brooks PortSA Lackland AFB STxMC
5 PRIMO Concept 5 Service & Operating Plan: All-day, frequent, limited-stop service, minute peak service Branding Elements: Brand name/logo, marketing ITS: Traffic Signal Priority (TSP), Real-Time Information Vehicles: Visibly distinct, branded buses, 40’-60’ Stations: Visibly distinct stations, enhanced accessibility
6 6 PRIMO Service Plans Two new Primo routes are proposed to connect with the existing Route 100 on Fredericksburg Road: » SW Military Drive : overlays Route 550/551 » Zarzamora Street : overlays Route 520 Both routes will have a frequency of Primo: 12 min Local: 20 min (Military) 30 min (Zarzamora) ZARZAMORA MILITARY DRIVE
7 7 PRIMO Stop Locations: SW Military Drive 13.5 mile alignment - 10 new Primo stops in each direction Connects Kel-Lac and Brooks transit centers Serves Lackland AFB, Brooks City Base, Mission District, and retail establishments along Military Drive
8 8 PRIMO Stop Locations: Zarzamora 11.5 mile alignment - 14 new Primo stops in each direction Connects Crossroads and Madla transit centers Serves key destinations such as the Deco District, Southwest General Hospital, Wonderland Mall, and South Park Mall
9 9 Military Drive: bus travel time reductions during the AM and PM peak periods of approximately percent can be achieved Zarzamora Street: bus travel time reductions during the AM and PM peak periods of approximately 7-13 percent can be achieved Bus time savings an be achieved with minimal adverse impacts to automobile traffic
10 Major source of delay for Route 520 buses Short-Term: » Needs countdown indicator to assist operators in determining whether there will be enough time to clear tracks » Level the dip more to ease angle of bus for clearance Long-Term: Grade-separation
11 Goal: Provide new cost-effective shelter option, flexibility within right-of-way constraints, adapt to ridership & service levels while maintaining PRIMO brand
12 Primo brand elements Comfort & safety Real-time and printed service information Seating Lighting Two size options have been designed at conceptual level: » Standard (11’ x 24’) » Narrow (6’ x 24’)
15 NextGen » Zarzamora » Military Lighting Static Info Signage Art specific to neighborhood
16 Sidewalk rehab and replacement » Over 5,000 feet of sidewalk to enhance Curb cuts/ramps Crosswalks Bike amenities
SWC PRIMO Improvement Program 17 CategoryImprovements Capital Cost Customer Facilities 48 new Primo shelters and waiting areas Deployment of Lighted Next Generation shelters at local bus stops on Alignment and Cross Streets (at stops that meet service standards) Access & Safety: Sidewalk improvements and crosswalks near Primo & Local stops Improvements at Kel-Lac Transit Center, Madla Park & Ride and Crossroads Park & Ride ROW: Purchase or lease of real estate $28 M VehiclesBranded BRT-style buses (60’ and 40’)$16 M Transit Signal Priority Transit signal priority for Primo buses Intersection improvements $1 M Design/ Contingency Professional services including PE, final design, project management, procurement, permits, etc. Unallocated contingency $15 M TOTAL$60 M
18 Implements the 2035 Long Range Plan Improved frequency, speed and reliability for customers: Increased Ridership High-quality, accessible passenger facilities: » Enhanced security & safety » Enhanced walkability Improved connectivity: within corridor & between major activity centers Capitalizes and enhances the Fred Primo 100 Benefits of the Corridor Plan
19 Stakeholder Outreach Public Meetings: May 2014 & March 2015 Rider Open Houses Spring 2015 » Kel-Lac, Crossroads, and Madla Presentations at numerous neighborhood association meetings Major themes: » Support for Primo Service » Enhance frequency » Larger shelters » Lighting at stops
20 Next Steps Construction Final Design & Right of Way Implementation Plan Late Summer 2015 NEPA Finding Late Fall 2015 Construction Documents Fall 2016 Start-up and Testing Spring & Summer 2018 Environmental Class of Action in Review Technical design and specifications for construction procurement and right-of-way acquisition Construction Award in 2017 Preferred Alternative and Conceptual Engineering Implementation Planning Environmental Dates are subject to change Public Meetings/Outreach
21 Conduct public outreach Refine Service Plan Refine Capital & Passenger Amenities Finalize implementation plan Public Open Houses Next Steps