Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Data and Network Security Lab Sharif University of Technology Department of Computer Engineering Algebra & Cryptography Author & Instructor: Mohammad Sadeq Dousti 1 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 These set of slides are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) 4.0. Basically, this license allows others to use the slides verbatim, and even modify and incorporate them into their own work, as long as: 1. They credit the original author(s); 2. Their work is used non-commercially; 3. They license their work under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. For further information, please consult: o o sa/4.0/legalcode sa/4.0/legalcode Copyright Notice 2 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 What is algebra? Group-like structures o Groups Ring-like structures o Rings o Fields - Finite Fields Outline 3 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 What is Algebra? 4 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 What is algebra? 5 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Methods for solving linear (ax + b = 0) and quadratic (ax 2 + bx + c = 0) equations were known for centuries. General cubic and quartic equations were solved in the 16 th century CE. o The solutions were expressed in terms of basic arithmetic operations (+, , , ), as well as radicals. No such method was known for general equations of degree 5 or higher. o Working independently, Abel and Galois proved that giving such method is impossible. o Along the way, they laid the foundation of abstract algebra. From solving equations to abstract algebra 6 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Niels Henrik Abel (1802 – 1829) o Norwegian mathematician o Lived in poverty o Contracted tuberculosis o Died at the age of 26 in Paris Évariste Galois (1811 – 1832) o French mathematician o Lived a wealthy life o Got involved in army & politics o Died in a duel at the age of 20 in Paris Founders of abstract algebra 7 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Group-like Structures 8 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 A set S endowed with one or more finitary operations is called an algebraic structure. Let S be a set, and : S S S be a binary operation. The pair (S, ) is called a group-like structure. Depending on the properties that satisfies on S, the structure is called by various names (semicategory, category, groupoid, magma, quasigroup, loop, semigroup, monoid, group, Abelian group, …). If behaves like multiplication, it is denoted by , and the structure is called multiplicative. If behaves like addition, it is denoted by +, and the structure is called additive. Algebraic structures 9 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 (S, ) satisfies the closure (totality) property if for all x, y S, we have x y S. Equivalently: o S is closed under . o is closed over S. Examples: o ( ℕ, +) o ( ℤ, ) o ( ℚ {0}, ) Non-examples: o ( ℕ, ) o ( ℤ {0}, ) o ( ℚ, ) Closure (Totality) 10 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Associativity 11 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 (S, ) has an identity element e S if for all x S, we have e x = x e = x. The identity element is often denoted by: o 1 in multiplicative structures. o 0 in additive structures. Examples: o = = 25 o A = A = A Non-examples: o ( ℤ, ) o ( ℚ {0}, ) Identity 12 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Uniqueness of identity element 13 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Invertibility (Divisibility) 14 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Commutativity 15 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Group-like structures at a glance No identity. How is divisibility possible?! 16 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Groups 17 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Group: An algebraic structure G = (S, ) satisfying four properties: 1. Closure (totality) 2. Associativity 3. Identity 4. Divisibility (invertibility) Abelian group: A group satisfying commutativity. Group membership: x G if and only if x S. Group order: The number of elements in the group. o Denoted |G| = |S|. Finite group: A group with finite order. Groups 18 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Notational conventions 19 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 The order of an element x of a group is the smallest positive integer m such that: o mx = e (additive groups) o x m = e (multiplicative groups) If no such m exists, x is said to have infinite order. Periodic group: A group in which every element has finite order. Exponent of a periodic group: The LCM of all group elements, if it exists. THEOREM: Any finite group has an exponent. It is a divisor of |G|. (See Lagrange’s theorem a few slides ahead) Order and exponent 20 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Examples of finite groups 21 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Cayley tables + (mod 2) (mod 3) / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Subgroups and cosets 23 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Let denote addition modulo 18. o G = ℤ 18. o H = 3G = {0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15}. o H is a group under . o [H : G] = |G| / |H| = 18 / 6 = 3. o 7 H = H 7 = {7, 10, 13, 16, 1, 4} is a coset of H. o K = 2H = {0, 6, 12}. o K is a group under . o [K : G] = |G| / |K| = 18 / 3 = 6. o 7 K = K 7 = {7, 13, 1} is a coset of K. Examples 24 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Let G = (S, ) be a group, and T S. The generating set of T, denoted, is a subgroup of G whose members can be expressed as the combination (under ) of finitely many elements of T and their inverses. If T = {x}, we may write instead of. o is called a cyclic group. If G =, then we say T generates G; and the elements in T are called generators or group generators. Generators and cyclic groups 25 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Examples 26 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Fermat–Euler theorem from Lagrange’s theorem 27 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Let G = (S, ) be a group of prime order p. THEOREM: Every non-identity element of G is a generator of G. PROOF: Easy using Lagrange’s theorem. o The order of any cyclic subgroup of G is either 1 or p (since it must divide p). o The only cyclic subgroup of order 1 is. o For non-identity group element g, we have | | = p. o Therefore, = G. Groups of prime order 28 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Groups of prime order (Cont’d) 29 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Permutations and symmetric groups 31 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 (External) Direct product of groups 32 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Group homomorphism 33 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Group isomorphism 34 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Ring-like Structures 35 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 A set S endowed with two operations: o An “addition-like” operator + o A “multiplication-like” operator is called a ring-like structure. Depending on properties that + and satisfy on S, various structures are defined: Rng, Semiring, Near- ring, Near-semiring, Ring, Commutative ring, Domain, Integral domain, Field, etc. We only study rings and fields. Ring-like structures 36 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Rings 37 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Characteristic 38 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Ring homomorphism 39 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Fields 40 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Finite fields 41 / 42
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Sharif University Spring 2015 Wikipedia. References 42 / 42