Case Study Part 2 Setting Standards: Cotton Cotton has long been a major commodity in the United States. As early as 1907, international cotton growers were developing standards so that cotton would be priced and marketed consistently around the world. Later, the United states Department of Agricultural created a classification system for cotton. Classification helps growers market their crops and set a fair price. Corporation between industry and government became vital as new textiles such as polyester threatened the cotton industry in the 1960s. When Cotton Incorporated formed in 1970, the organization adopted a “push-pull” marketing strategy to promoted cotton. They created pull to build consumer demand through advertising and promotion. Cotton Incorporated’s efforts focused on building a recognizable identity. In 1973, the Seal of Cotton was introduced to communicate comfort and quality to consumers. Ten years later, cotton’s share of the market climbed to 39 percent. By 1987, cotton was once again on top, as its market share climbed to 49 percent. Then in 1989, Cotton Inc. launched THE FABRIC OF OUR LIVES advertising campaign. Retail market share for cotton apparel and home products hit 60 percent in This was the first time since the mid-1960s that cotton surpassed synthetic fibers. ANAYLZE and WRITE 1. What strategies did Cotton Inc. use to improve cotton’s market share? Make a list of strategies. 2. How does the fashion industry benefit from successfully marketing cotton fiber and fabric? Write a paragraph.
CHAPTER 6.2 Making Textiles
What Will YOU Learn??? To discuss how synthetic fibers are produced To identify the two primary methods for making fivers into fabrics
Making Synthetic Fibers Extrusion Method Most synthetic and cellulosic manufactured fibers are created by extrusion. Extrusion is a synthetic textile process in which solid raw materials are dissolved by chemicals or melted with heat to form a thick liquid (with the consistency of cold honey) that is extruded, or forced out, through the tiny holes of a device called spinneret to create filaments.
How Fibers Become Fabrics Two Primary Methods for Making Fibers into Fabrics: 1. Weaving 2. Knitting There are some fabrics that are make by pressing the yarn into fabric that is considered to be non