The Community Interpreter Training By Marjory Bancroft & Lourdes Fitzpatrick 40 hour program Licensed curriculum and trainers CEUs will be given upon program completion Mankato Site (to be determined) Cost: $ $ for materials. $25.00 Registration due by Scholarship available. Limited to 15 participants Please call for additional details or questions: LinguaOne-Tessa Donato, President at
Unit 1: Ethics and Conduct Overview of the community interpreting profession Language proficiency testing and interpreter certification Language access laws Interpreter self-assessment (recording exercise) Codes of ethics for interpreters A National Code of Ethics for Community Interpreters (annotated NCIHC national code) Applying codes of ethics in the field Unit 2: Interpreted Session Overview of the interpreted session Interpreter modes and selecting modes Steps for sight translation Components of the session Assignments, preparation, professional introductions Managing the flow, terminology Intervention Core skills: accuracy, interpreting for meaning, positioning, first/third person, register, vulgarity, role shifts, memory, note-taking Post-session: reporting, critical incidents, processing
Unit 3: Culture Mediation Culture and cultural competence Meaning and mediation Steps for mediation and basic mediation skills Interpreter duties and interpreter roles Checking for understanding, clarification, cultural mediation CHIA decision-making guidelines The client as cultural expert Stereotyping and bias Unit 4: Standards of Practice Interpreting in Health Care ▪ Interpreting in Educational Settings ▪ Interpreting for Human Services Unit Four is presented according to the needs of the audience. If participants come primarily from one sector (e.g., health care), that sector alone will be discussed during this unit. Otherwise, all three areas will be covered, in addition to legal interpreting and terminology. Introduction to legal interpreting Community vs. legal interpreting Overview of the U.S. health care system and/or Overview of human and social services in the U.S. and/or Overview of the U.S. Department of Education (with a focus on K-12 schools) Professional concerns, e.g., signing as a witness; liability; interpreter insurance Terminology in community services (may address medical, educational or social services, or all three sectors) and use of dictionaries and aids.
Unit 5: Standards of Practice Standards of practice for community interpreters: national standards and best practices. Applying standards in the field Professional boundaries Advocacy Interpreter safety Professional development
THE COMMUNITY INTERPRETER *Fast Track Option 1: *The fast track is meant for more experienced interpreters. This program prepares them for medical certification exam. March 19 - March 23 from 5:00 - 9:00; Saturday, March 24 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. April 2 - April 4, 2012 from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. *Fast Track Option 2: March ; 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. & April 7 -8, 2011; 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Option 3: Option 3 allows more time to study the materials and prepare for exam. Best for interpreters that are new to the field. Saturday, April 14, 21, 28, and May 5, 2012, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FOR INTERPRETERS Medical Terminology Training Mankato Site to be determined 8 CEUs will be given Cost: $ book $40.00 Register: $35.00 Spring Schedule Saturday, February 24 TH, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (English only) Saturday, March 31 st, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Spanish only) Saturday, May 12th, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (English only)
***** PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY! THANK YOU. ***** Each participant needs to submit a registration form ***** First Name: _________________________ Last Name: ____________________________ Company/Business: _________________________________________________________ Business Address: ___________________________________________________________ City: _______________________ _____State: ____________ Zip: ____________________ Occupation: ______________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________ Phone number: _________________________________ Ext:______________ Languages spoken besides English (if applicable): _______________________________________________________________________ Please choose which training and option you prefer (put in order of preference): ________________________________________________________________________ Each registrant will need a phone interview. Please list the times you will be available to meet by phone: ___________________________________________________________________________ Method of Payment: Make checks payable to LinguaOne, Inc. Credit Card - Check - Direct Deposit - Money Order **** Please Submit forms and payment to : ◦ 202 N Plainview Ave, Mankato, MN 56001**** Fax:
Registration Policies and Procedures 1. Upon receipt of the registration form, an confirmation of registration will be sent to all applicants who provide addresses. 2. Payment can be made by credit card, check, money order and direct deposit. 3. Full payment is due with registration. Payment will be not be refunded. 4. All applicants should attach a resume with their registration form. They may receive a screening interview by phone.