To certify or not to certify
Why Certification? Advance GIS as a Profession Support employment & business needs Ensure core competency of ethics, experience, education & contributions
What is a profession? According to – a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science. According to – an occupation requiring special training in liberal arts or science According to Google – a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and formal qualifications. According to Wikipedia – a vocation founded on specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply services to others.
Characteristics of a Profession Specialized knowledge and skills Formal education Practicing professionals have responsibility and authority Licensure or Certification Apprenticeship period Standardized Code of Ethics Professional Culture Clients not customers
Terminology Certification: a voluntary evaluation and acknowledgment of skills in a profession. Designed to recognize expertise. Licensure: a legal regulation, requiring competency in a practice. Designed to guard against incompetence. Certificate: An award given to an individual recognizing completion of an academic or training program.
Why would you want Certification? Professional recognition by from other GIS Pros and other Professionals Greater earning potential – 41.2% with GISP make over $70,000 per year compared to 20.9% without GISP – Average Salary for GISP - $68,954 – Average Salary without GISP - $56,062 Personal Professional & Technical Development
2014 GIS Certification Survey 878 Responses (88% GIS was primary job) 62% had over 10 years GIS experience Employer Type 32% Private Companies 17% City Government 17% County Government 5% Federal Government 5% Education 4% Non-profit 6% Other (mostly utilities)
GIS Certification Survey Countries 89% USA 7% Canada 4% Other
Most well known GIS related certifications Certification GISP89%81% Esri Technical82%76% Certified GIS/LIS Technologist (ASPRS) 25%18% CMS (ASPRS)11%9% CP (ASPRS)10%8% Other7% Never heard of one5%8%
GIS Certification Survey Do you believe certification benefits GIS Professionals and users? 44% say Yes 22% say No 34% Not sure
GIS Certification Survey Does your organization require GIS certification for any job positions? Education was the most popular requirement. Many mistaking a degree for certification in both years Yes5%8% No91%85% Not Sure4%6%
GIS Certification Survey Does your organization require a GIS Certification (GISP, CMP, Esri, or other) for any job positions? Yes5%8% No91%85% Not Sure4%6%
GIS Certification Survey When hiring new GIS staff, does your organization consider having a GIS related certification as a plus over those that don't? Yes: 30% No: 38% Not Sure: 32%
GIS Certification Survey Does your organization offer a bonus or pay raise of you get a GIS Certification? Yes4%8% No64%65% No but they pay for it 23%18% Not Sure10%9%
GIS Certification Survey When hiring new staff, does your organization pay higher salary for those with a GIS certification? Yes: 6% No: 64% Not Sure: 30%
GIS Certification Survey Does your organization encourage GISPs be included in teams for GIS services if they are not required? Yes11%17% No52%59% Not Sure19%14% N/A18%10%
Overall Conclusions Though many think certification benefits, GIS Community and employers have not embraced Certification to any large extent Education valued more generally over certification The difference between Certification, Licensure, Certificate, and Degree not largely understood Younger less experienced more accepting of Certification
General Conclusion For those just seeking a job certification has only limited benefits especially at entry level positions. The higher one goes the more impact having a certification might have, though a degree is still considered more important. The adoption of certification in the GIS industry still has a long way to go before it achieves the same status as certification has in other related professions.
Questions Tripp Corbin, GISP, CFM, MCP, CTT+, CTP ext 21