LEARN TO NETWORK LIKE A PRO Wednesday, October 10, :00 pm – 4:00 pm
GEORGIA ANGELL Director of Agent Relations the Cartwright Companies
CELEBRATING THE PAST Maximize Your Conference Time
CELEBRATING THE PAST Maximize Your Conference Time
MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER Maximize Your Conference Time
PREPARE What Services I Need?Identify the Services Where Do I Need It?Specific Countries Who Do I Get It From?Visit Exhibits Maximize Your Conference Time
NETWORKING Talk to people you do not know Introduce yourself – ’30 second commercial’ Give your complete attention to the conversation Ask questions and listen (80/20 rule) Do teach/Don’t sell Introduce others that join you Maximize Your Conference Time
WHERE IS EVERYONE? Spend time in Network Central Visit Exhibits Attend IAM Meetings, Knowledge Labs and Events Utilize Global Match Lobby and Refreshment Areas Maximize Your Conference Time
I SEE SOMEONE I WANT TO TALK WITH! How to Enter a Conversation How to Exit a Conversation Maximize Your Conference Time
BUSINESS CARDS Properly hand your card to your potential business partner Look at the card you just received Have a conversation when handing out your card Write notes on the back of a card (Where you met, physical attributes, conversation points) Spend time in Network Central Don’t run out of cards Maximize Your Conference Time
SOCIAL ETIQUETTE Make good eye contact (60% rule) Make a good first impression Respect personal space Have a breath mint and share Spend 10 minutes with each person Hold your drink in your left hand Spend time in Network Central Grab those goodies in the Exhibit Hall, but stay for a conversation Maximize Your Conference Time
HEALTH Get enough sleep Exercise Eat Reasonably Wash your hands frequently Use hand sanitizer Drink – but have some water too Maximize Your Conference Time
GENERAL IDEAS Always wear your identification tag Place your tag on your right side Be brave – introduce yourself. First, Last Name, Company (No title) Bring a jacket or sweater to the meeting rooms Keep your cell phone charger with you Wear comfortable shoes Maximize Your Conference Time
AFTERWARDS Review the business cards you collected or call the person Reference where you met (Opening Reception, Exhibit hall, etc) Mention something personal about the person (from your notes on the business cards) Maximize Your Conference Time
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 Exhibits Are Now Open YP35 Member Reception New Member & First Time Attendees Reception Opening Reception Casino Night – Benefits Alan F. Wohlstetter Scholarship Fund Maximize Your Conference Time
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 IAM Membership Breakfast (Hall of Honor) Exhibits Are Open Exhibitor Cocktail Reception Knowledge Labs Core Membership Meeting YP-35 Membership Meeting Maximize Your Conference Time
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 Buffet Breakfast Exhibits Are Open Claims Panel Knowledge Labs ISA Membership Meeting Lunch in Exhibit Hall (Network Central) Military and Government Affairs Panel IAM Logistics Network Meeting YP-35 Social Mixer Maximize Your Conference Time
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 Buffet Breakfast Exhibits Are Open Governing Membership Meeting Farewell Exhibitors Lunch Special Session (Commercial Panel and Government Industry Panel) Closing Reception Banquet and Entertainment Dancing Maximize Your Conference Time
Knowledge Labs Thursday, October 11 FMC – Updates on Licensing, tariffs and more US Transportation Safety Admin/Air Cargo Screening Updates Friday, October 12 Social Media/Mobile Strategy US Bank Expanded Services Maximize Your Conference Time
AS WE MOVE FOWARD Smile Laugh Go Meet Someone New Remember……..The person next to you could be your new business partner!! And have a successful and fun IAM Annual Meeting Maximize Your Conference Time