Barriere O, Le Roux P
4 GIS PORTAL Racks was born following an ACCOR study To improve cabling, cabling documentation & data sharing => For BE/CO best effort service team. To reduce accelerators downtime
Building 361 Room: Rack: BCER677 Controls Configuration 5
Before system limitations: We didn’t know the exact location of the rack 9
11 Controls Configuration DB Layout DB Infor EAM DB IT NetOps DB EDMS DB DFS DB GESMAR Databases not linked
We lack a global infrastructure to document our huge installations. Each equipment group provides its own solution 1. Locating the equipment 2. Finding the corresponding documentation 12
13 Integrate equipment racks in GIS Portal Search by rack Direct link to the technical documentation and databases In databases, add links to GIS PORTAL RACKS
14 ACCOR study in 2011 Prototype in 2012 Accelerator Sector management agreement to start the project (BE,EN,TE) June 2013 Started the project in September 2013
16 BPMN (Business Process Model Notification) data flow (Coralie Perollini from MFIO (Maintenance Framework Implementation Office),Pascal, Olivier) Rack Inventory APEX interface & PL/SQL API to import/publish (Pascal) Racks models inventory (Keith) Racks inventory (Keith) Check on site (Keith, Olivier,)(LHC U help of Didier & Pascal C) Arc GIS drawings (Keith) Coordination with EL-EN, EN-CV, GS-ASE, GS-SE, IT-CS, TE-EPC (Olivier) Data update in CCDB (Alexander & Eve)
17 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables Combine with already existing layout data Import API running daily or on demand
18 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables Combine with already existing layout data Import API running daily or on demand Inventory of the distinct rack models with photos APEX Interface on RACK IMPORTS table to manage the inventory by building
19 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables Combine with already existing layout data Import API running daily or on demand Sync to Layout on demand Inventory status report by building, highlighting missing/incorrect data in layout, MTF or GIS
20 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables GIS info Panel View Combine with already existing layout data Sync to Layout on demand Update LAYOUT_ID or create new rack Import API running daily or on demand Creation not fully automated yet
21 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables GIS info Panel View Combine with already existing layout data Sync to Layout on demand Update LAYOUT_ID or create new rack Import API running daily or on demand ESRI ArcGIS Interface to draw the rack shapes on top of the building/floor schematics
22 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables GIS info Panel View Combine with already existing layout data Sync to Layout on demand Update LAYOUT_ID or create new rack Import API running daily or on demand Match GIS Shapes with Layout data using Labels & LAYOUT_ID Automatic since April 2014 Provide rack data to GIS
23 Rack in the building hierarchy GIS integrationLink to MTF Link to GIS 45U Empty rack to be filled in
24 Slot available for documentation
25 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables GIS info Panel View Combine with already existing layout data Sync to Layout on demand Update LAYOUT_ID or create new rack Import API running daily or on demand Match GIS Shapes with Layout data using Labels & LAYOUT_ID Automatic since April 2014 Provide rack data to GIS NETWORK DB IT-CS IT sockets in racks
26 Zoom 1:10IT Socket list by rack done by IT First Line IT Socket Status: Free Assigned Portable ….
27 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables GIS info Panel View Combine with already existing layout data Sync to Layout on demand Update LAYOUT_ID or create new rack Import API running daily or on demand Match GIS Shapes with Layout data using Labels & LAYOUT_ID Automatic since April 2014 Provide rack data to GIS CCDB NETWORK DB IT-CS BE-CO IT sockets in racks Diamon BE-CO
28 GIS Portal Racks links Building Room Rack
29 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables GIS info Panel View Combine with already existing layout data Sync to Layout on demand Update LAYOUT_ID or create new rack Import API running daily or on demand Match GIS Shapes with Layout data using Labels & LAYOUT_ID Automatic since April 2014 Provide rack data to GIS CCDB NETWORK DB IT-CS BE-CO IT sockets in racks TO BE DONE Diamon BE-CO
30 Link FEC’s to racks
31 InforEAM GS/ASE EN/EL Cablothèque Gesmar "Demande d’installation de cables" TE/CRG EN/CV GS/ASE … Layout DB GIS DB GS/SE/DOP RACK IMPORTS Staging table Layout core tables GIS info Panel View Combine with already existing layout data Sync to Layout on demand Update LAYOUT_ID or create new rack Import API running daily or on demand Match GIS Shapes with Layout data using Labels & LAYOUT_ID Automatic since April 2014 Provide rack data to GIS CCDB NETWORK DB IT-CS BE-CO IT sockets in racks TO BE DONE Equipment groups DB TO BE DONE Diamon BE-CO
ServiceNumber of buildings Number of racks Total (manpower/month) Database Work Total (manpower/month) Installations Teams Only BE/CO racks 3014’811 All the racks in the buildings For BE, EN, TE 30116’ m.m (temp. Resource, PJAS) 14 m.m (temp. Resource, FSU) All CERN racks for BE, EN, TE + GS, IT, PH, 49625’ m.m (temp. resource) 22 m.m (temp. resource) 32
Started September 2013 (but only 14 months of work done) PS Complex & LHC Underground done To finish LHC Surface -> 1month SPS -> 3 months Finally we are on time 33
36 Check of equipment responsible done by BE-OP Machine Coordinator (K.Hanke & F.Chapuis) Names of racks to be changed In Infor EAM, Gesmar, MTF…
Use BE-OP Machines coordinators to validate imported data EN-EL is creating a DIR (Demande d’Installation de Rack) form EN-EL is creating a DDR (Demande de Désafectation de Rack) form Include GIS Portal Racks in the ECR (Equipment Change Request) workflow Develop a GIS Portal application to report errors, to GIS Portal Rack support One person for all equipment groups to make changes in GIS Portal Racks Each equipment groups will be able to make updates Strategy to be defined 37
39 Automatically draw racks & electrical panels in LHC Tunnel Automatically draw FIP Bus in LHC Tunnel Display 1553 bus & Timing distribution in ‘GIS Portal Racks’ Search and display cables in ‘GIS Portal Racks’ Display Racks power distribution
40 Links between: Racks & power distribution
42 Application for Racks Layout: Link to CCDB to import data & Draw equipment not in CCDB
43 Application for cabling Layout: Link to CCDB & Draw equipment not in CCDB
44 Context Situation before & now Before it took time to locate a rack & find cabling documentation Before databases were not linked together Now, thank to GIS Portal Racks & geolocalisation Rapidly locate equipment racks Provide a standardized solution and easy access to cabling documentation & databases => To reduce accelerators downtime 1 st Phase Data integration Data flow & Infrastructure are in place but there are still some links to be done Collecting data: PS Complex, LHC underground & LHC surface in 15 months SPS 3 months to do it 2 nd Phase Data maintenance Validate imported data in collaboration with BE-OP Machines Coordinators Maintain data up to date: Discussion on going with EN/EL (DIR, DDR) Strategy to be discussed Tools & procedures to be developed Proposals: To extend ‘GIS PORTAL Racks’ in LHC tunnel, FIP bus, 1553 bus, cables… ○ Put them in place GIS Portal Racks is only the first step Next steps: ○ Develop tools to display rack & cabling Layout, synchronised with DB