American Imperialism Beginning in 1867 and continuing through the century, global competition caused the U.S. to expand.
Do Now How might a person behave when he or she feels superior to others? How might countries act in a similar fashion?
American Expansionism Imperialism: Stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories. -Global Competition -Desire for Military Strength -Admiral Mahan: Sea Power - New Markets - Cultural Superiority
Acquiring Territory Bought Alaska for $0.02 / acre from Russia. Hawai’i annexed McKinley after coup to remove Queen. -Sugar & Naval Base Queen Liliuokalani
Section 1 Review 1. What was the policy of imperialism? 2. What three factors fueled the emergence of U.S. imperialism? 3. How did the country respond to the urgings of Alfred T. Mahan and other proponents of bolstering the country’s naval forces?
Why a Spanish-American War? Cubans revolt against Spanish rulers. “Yellow Journalism” -U.S. newspapers exaggerate Spanish atrocities.
“Remember the Maine!” U.S. attacks Spanish colony in the Philippines U.S. then attacks in the Caribbean (Cuba). -Rough Riders (TR) Treaty of Paris -Guam & P.R.
Put in Chronological Order _____ A. The U. S. declares war on Spain. _____ B. U.S. forces arrive in Cuba. _____ C. Cubans launch rebellion against Spanish rulers. _____ D. Treaty of Paris officially ends the war. _____ E. Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine stirs war fever in America.
New Lands Puerto Rico -U.S. Citizenship Cuba -U.S. protectorate -Platt Amendment -U.S. can intervene. -U.S. buy Cuban land
More Land Filipinos Rebel -War cost 20x original price to buy. China’s Open Door -All foreign trade equal. -Boxer Rebellion -Chinese rid country of “foreign devils.”
America as a World Power Panama Canal -Connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. -Bought route from French for $40 million. -5600 workers died and cost $380 million. Roosevelt Corollary U.S. will use force to protect interests in Latin America. Dollar Diplomacy -U.S. gov’t guarantees loans to foreign countries.
Mexico Rebels Madero overthrew pro- U.S. gov’t. Wilson rejects new gov’t and sends troops. War avoided after Carranza coup against gov’t. Pancho Villa resisted new Pro-U.S. gov’t and raided U.S. & killed Americans.