Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Rolling Deck to Repository A direct pipeline from ship to archive for oceanographic research Suzanne Carbotte, Robert Arko, Vicki Ferrini (LDEO) Stephen Miller, Karen Stocks (SIO) Cynthia Chandler, Andrew Maffei (WHOI) Introduction
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 UNOLS fleet - Primary Resource for Ocean Research Collect observational data for a broad range of science applications, e.g. – impacts of global change on ocean chemistry and ecosystems – ocean circulation – volcanism and earthquake processes at plate boundaries >30 yr history supporting ocean science- time series of ocean obs. and global exploration Great diversity of data 22 ships in UNOLS fleet+ 5 USAP&USCG – global/regional/coastal Collect observational data for a broad range of science applications, e.g. – impacts of global change on ocean chemistry and ecosystems – ocean circulation – volcanism and earthquake processes at plate boundaries >30 yr history supporting ocean science- time series of ocean obs. and global exploration Great diversity of data 22 ships in UNOLS fleet+ 5 USAP&USCG – global/regional/coastal
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Spectrum of Data Research expeditions involve a variety of data collection activities: National facility (eg NDSF, Seismic, OBSIP) Science party instrumentation (eg current meter, sediment traps, chemical/physical probes etc) Operational/Underway (eg bathymetry, MET, ADCP, subbottom etc)
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Operations data streams are of high value Case studies 1. PhysO measurements (eg flourescence, salinity) provide crucial ground truth for satellite observations for global change 2. Bathymetry- many uses but coverage is sparse -all data contributes usefully to building global synthesis 3. MET data -verification and air-sea interactions Case studies 1. PhysO measurements (eg flourescence, salinity) provide crucial ground truth for satellite observations for global change 2. Bathymetry- many uses but coverage is sparse -all data contributes usefully to building global synthesis 3. MET data -verification and air-sea interactions
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Case study: Physical Oceanography datelatitudelongitudetemp Satellite Calibration and Validation ~ Sea Surface Temperature NOAA / NASA AVHRR SST in situ SST from Thomas Thompson datelatlontemp
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Case study: Ocean color Satellite Calibration and Validation ~ Ocean color SeaWiFS chlorophyll In situ chlorophyll (R/V Revelle) datelonlatChl-a
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Case Study: Seafloor Bathymetry Tsunami modelling Ocean mixing/bottom currents Maritime Navigation/Cables Benthic habitats
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Case Study: MET data and Air-Sea Fluxes Available flux products can differ by ~50Wm -2, particularly in core of the ACC -> largest source of error in closing the upper ocean heat budget for the Southern Ocean (e.g. Dong et al., 2007) Year-round underway shipboard meteorological observations (e.g. the LM Gould Drake Passage transect at right) give opportunity to improve flux fields and resolve small-scales. Provided by Janet Sprintall
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 The global oceans are vast, ocean exploration is expensive and slow, and after 50 years of academic investigation much remains unexplored - All data of high value for preservation The Challenge and the Objective
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 The Challenge and the Objective 21 st century research cruises are staffed by multiple investigators and yield heterogeneous data sets VERTIGO project KM0414 ALOHA cruise sampling activities R/V Kilo Moana (University of Hawaii Marine Center)
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 The Challenge and the Objective To make data publicly available to support data reuse and the published literature and enable informed policy decision making.
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 NSF data policies require data preservation
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 VISION Our strategic vision is a digital scientific data universe in which data creation, collection, documentation, analysis, preservation, and dissemination can be appropriately, reliably, and readily managed thereby enhancing the return on our nations research and development investment by ensuring that digital data realize their full potential as catalysts for progress in our global information society
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 NOAA National Data Centers NOAA National Data Centers National Facility Ops Data Centers eg Seismic (ASP), USAP, OBSIP (IRIS) National Facility Ops Data Centers eg Seismic (ASP), USAP, OBSIP (IRIS) Program and Disciplinary DC (eg MARGINS, BCODMO others) Program and Disciplinary DC (eg MARGINS, BCODMO others) Operator/Institutional Archives Operator/Institutional Archives Ships and Facility Ops, (e.g. OBSIP, NDSF Seismic) Ships and Facility Ops, (e.g. OBSIP, NDSF Seismic) Science Party Science Party No comprehensive data management WEAK LINKS
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 More Challenges No systematic archiving of data collected Obtaining data for later re-use difficult to impossible Heterogeneous data collection across fleet. Data documentation minimal and difficult Little QA/QC- conducted on operator-by- operator basis and has varied historically depending on operator priorities/capability
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Migrate all operational shipboard data to long term repositories through R2R gateway Assess quality, provide feedback Rolling Deck to Repository
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 NOAA National DC Program/Disciplinary DC NOAA National DC Program/Disciplinary DC Ships R2R R2R Gateway for Operations/Underway Data NOAA National DC Program/Disciplinary DC NOAA National DC Program/Disciplinary DC Ships Science Party ??
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 R2R Guiding Principles NSF supported research vessels produce an enormous volume and diversity of scientific data each year. R2R proposes a fundamental transformation of data management in the fleet, providing a direct pipeline for the routine underway data and documentation from each cruise to flow from the operating institution to a central shoreside repository. Working directly with the ship scheduling offices and technicians will ensure more complete and consistent data acquisition, quality control, archival, and dissemination.
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 What will R2R do? Operating institutions upload data R2R Team: 1.Harvest data and metadata 2.Assess quality 3.Migrate standard data to national data centers and disciplinary data assembly centers (eg SAMOS, JCADCP, GMRT) 4.Provide long term R2R repository for Cruise metadata Navigation Orphan data products without national data center home
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Who could participate in R2R UNOLS 61 member institutions NOAA? Coast Guard? Polar Programs? Archive in National Data Centers NOAA NGDC, NODC
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Benefits to Stakeholders: Operators, Scientists, NSF Facilitate data preservation and dissemination (and free operators from archival duty) Standardize data collection and improve data documentation Assess data quality and provide feedback to improve data collection Standardization will enable integration of data sets across ships and time - syntheses and global compilations Facilitate cruise planning, permits, clearances
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Motivation May 4, 2009 Research Fleet Mobile platforms Short term obs Global range Ocean exploration Data preservation is needed across infrastructure for ocean science OOI ~Stationary platforms Long-term obs Regional/Local range IODP Sampling Deep time