Advanced GIS Workshop April 28-29, 2012 Antioch University New England Chris Brehme, PhD, Keene State College Apollinaire William, Antioch University New England
Habitat Modeling/Mapping To translate a species’ requirements to geographic locations on the Earth’s surface Involves interpretation, quantification, combination and representation
Typical Steps of Habitat Modeling Prepare GIS Data Layers Analyze GIS Data Produce Final Map Background Research Sketch out key steps of analysis Conceptual StageImplementation Stage
Matching Descriptions to Data Research species’ habitat requirements Identify available data that relates to these requirements
Input, Modify and Analyze GIS Data Input data to GIS Modify data Overlay
Habitat Modeling Example American Lobster requires cobble substrates, and seasonal depth ranges (shallow in summer, deep in winter) Quantify ‘cobble’: boulders and rocks with spaces large enough for lobsters – known as gravel on geology maps. Quantify depths: 100’ in winter Get data on seafloor geology Get bathymetry data ‘Gravel’ substrates digitized as a new GIS layer In GIS, calculate size of geology polygons, eliminate polygons where area < minimum required Overlay with depth ranges Create final map of habitats
Habitat Modeling Resources Scientific Literature GIS Data resources (State, Federal, NGO, Private) Metadata! GIS Tools Good Map Examples
GIS Tools for Modifying and Overlaying Clip/Extract Reclassify Add Fields, Calculate New Field Values Buffer Select (by Attribute, by Rectangle, by Location) Vector Overlay: Intersect or Union Raster Overlay: Map Algebra Terrain: Slope, Aspect
Conceptual Model: Lobster Habitat Seafloor Geology Seafloor Depth Select TYPE LIKE ‘Gravel’ Reclassify = – 200 = 2 > 200 -= 3 Gravel Areas Depth Classes Select Value = 1 Select Value = 2 Summer Depths Winter Depths Convert to Polygon Summer Depths Winter Depths Intersect Summer Habitats Winter Habitats
Exercise: Create a Conceptual Model Characterize the species’ requirements Quantify qualitative descriptions Identify potential GIS data Identify GIS tools and steps for prepping and analyzing the data Create a diagram of the process