WFS for fun and profit Paul Handcock Julian Parker
Access your ROMAN/RAM M data using your own GIS system For example o IntraMaps o MapInfo o ArcGIS
Web Feature Service Open interface Supported by ALL major GIS systems Provides access to remote data
Start simple e.g. Road Centrelines, name, length, width, surface material, asphalt condition Define display data Work in RAM SQL May need ROMAN Help Desk Help Return separate tables for best performance Think about links between tables Create a query Turn SQL into WFS Ask RSL to create the interface Do it nightly to aid performance Ask DMS to configure IntraMaps Start again and return more data based on requests Show managers
Start Simple Think of your audience Make it useful Carriageways Basic Spatial Treatment Lengths Units of Work Pavement Condition Rating Latest Conditions Work Selection Tool Work Program
Work in RAM SQL Connecting the RAMM database tables together requires some thought May need ROMAN Help Desk Help
Return separate tables for best performance Think about links between tables o Carriageway and Treatment tables do not easily link Start simple and then complicate things!
Ask RSL Turn SQL into WFS
Ask DMS Download nightly to aid performance
Once they see the results Start again and return more data based on requests
Start simple e.g. Road Centrelines, name, length, width, surface material, asphalt condition Define display data May need ROMAN Help Desk Help Return separate tables for best performance Think about links between tables Work in RAM SQL to create a Turn SQL into WFS Ask RSL to create the interface Do it nightly to aid performance Ask DMS to configure IntraMaps Start again and return more data based on requests Show managers
Road Hierarchy
Road Condition
Road Work Program by Year
Road Work Program by Year vs Footpath Program
It’s really not that hard once you start It’s great for people for like information visually It helps a lot at work program meetings